Cultural Sensitivity in Fall Prevention Education

It is necessary to implement cultural sensitivity principles in nursing care. This essay aims to describe implementing the practices of culturally sensitive care and ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all patients” in educating patients about fall prevention. To implement these practices in life, it is important to follow the next steps: lessen the cultural barriers, build trust in recruiting participants, and adapt the program to the cultural needs of attendants.

A significant step is to minimize language and cultural barriers. The helpful step is cooperating with community organizations that will assist in recruiting an audience (Yao & Kridli, 2018). This collaboration helps to develop the action plan and schedule and organize and present the material in the best way. Community organizations assist in collecting participants’ data as well as it would be harder for them to share any personal information with representatives of other cultures. Cooperation with local community organizations helps to gain patients’ trust as they get information from someone they already know.

It is important to spread information about the program among potential attendants, but it has to be done carefully. Spreading flyers proves not to be helpful as representatives of other cultures are not likely to have a tradition of getting materials from medical staff (Yao & Kridli, 2018). I solved this problem using culturally tailored flyers and talking to participants personally to build trust. I do a lot of research in order to adapt recruitment materials.

In terms of presenting the program, it is necessary to adapt it. For example, sometimes cultural traditions demand education be provided in groups where men and women are separated from each other. It is necessary to repeat instructions twice in two languages to make sure everyone understands them. It takes extra time and work to make sure that program takes their cultural needs into account.

In conclusion, the implementation of culturally sensitive care and the integrity of human dignity practices in educating patients about fall prevention requires a careful and delicate approach. It is important to collaborate with the representatives of the patients’ culture. The program needs to be transformed in order to meet participants’ cultural needs. The most important step is to build a trusting relationship with the patients.


Yao, L. & Kridli, S. (2018) Cultural Sensitivity of a Community-Based Falls Prevention Program Targeting Older Arab American. Open Journal of Nursing, 8 (11), 835-847.

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