Culture War and Gun Violence in the United States


It is important to note that culture wars are major social events, which, in some cases, are centered around social justice issues. These events had a strong impact on the development of American society, and they are still continuously shaping its modern state by raising issues on a wide range of prominent problems. The given analysis will primarily focus on gun violence, specifically school and mass shootings.

Culture Wars: Gun Violence, Specifically School and Mass Shootings

The issue of mass shootings with its subcategory of school shootings is an example of culture war. It is stated that “conflict does not always come from the extreme margins of society; it can also emerge from within mainstream” (Ferris & Stein, 2018, p. 81). The points of tension and division can be found gun culture-based values and norms, which are being contested between pro-gun groups against pro-gun control oppositions. Unfortunately, the directly impacted groups are the most vulnerable members of society, such as children and minorities, which adheres how sociologists can define groups demographically. However, the indirect impact can be observed across the entirety of society. The issue strongly unites all cultural groups by dividing them into two major fractions, usually aligned with corresponding political parties.


In conclusion, the probable outcome of the culture war implementation of minor gun laws. However, it will likely take place only after an extremely high number of victims will be affected to the point where it becomes a significant national tragedy. The reason is that core cultural values of gun culture identified above are imbedded in the history of the United States and its founding documents, which preserves the status quo. Sadly, something significantly more tragic than the recent mass or school shootings, such as the Uvalde shooting, need to take place to shake the powerfully present gun culture.


Ferris, K., & Stein, J. (2018). The real world: An introduction to sociology (6th ed.). W. W. Norton & Company.

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