Customer Knowledge and the Internet


A business must leverage the World Wide Web in advertising since millions of customers use the web for product inquiries. The biggest beverage corporation globally, Coca-Cola (Coke), educates customers about the function and advantages of its brand through digital networking. In order to increase brand awareness, Coca-Cola uses the internet through its webpage and social networking sites like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Snapchat to inform current and potential consumers about its merchandise.

About Coca-Cola Company

Since its founding in 1886, the Coca-Cola Corporation has become the foremost producer, marketer, and supplier of beverage mixtures and flavorings worldwide. It boasts over 230 brands and operates across over 200 nations globally. 30% of its gains are made in Atlanta, USA, where its corporate office is situated; the remaining 70% are in foreign markets (Integrated Annual Report 2020, 2021). This beverage industry also produces, sells, and advertises alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

Coca-Cola Company Analysis

Brand Recognition

The website gives Coke an effective and affordable marketing weapon. The company has always been passionate about better client engagement. Over the decades, the Coca-Cola Business plan has energized the public, maintaining its position as the largest producer and licensee of thousands of drinks (More than a beverage company, 2023). Employing commercials depicting individuals enjoying the beverage with relatives and friends at community interactions, picnics, and vacations makes sales promotion for Coke more cost-effective and emphasizes the worth of Coke. By informing visitors about their product and topics like Coke’s background, brands, tastes, environment, and creativity, their website helps buyers recognize their brand. It has a category on its website listing all its items, including bubbling water, dairy, cool soft drinks, and organic juice.

Educating Customers about Its Products

Coke informs users about the range of product choices and applications. The business has invested in high-quality material, including pictures, videos, and merchandise reviews, to ensure that its products seem as attractive and virtual as they are in stores. In order to turn surfers into customers, Coke wants to offer a virtual buying experience that, at the very least, replicates the physical consumer experience. The digital road to buy likewise uses the same marketing and client standards. In order to achieve this, Coca-Cola is working with e-traders and merchants to make its goods appear and appeal on display.

It also tailors material for browsers based on customer speech patterns and exchanges, expanding digital guiding principles among remote teams. In the recent 618 celebrations, the country’s biggest biannual retail occasion, Coca-Cola China cooperated with a sizable online store to upsurge sales by 65% (3 Ways Coca-Cola is embracing the pandemic-fueled eCommerce Revolution, 2020). As customers increasingly transition to mobile conveyance for grocery and ready food, Coke is partnering with eatery partners and distributors to guarantee its drinks are conspicuously shown on online tariffs and in packages.

Creating a Lasting, Favorable Impression with Its Customers

Coke successfully advertises its items on its webpage and social networking sites, elevating its image to the summit of the beverages industry. Consumers may quickly access and learn more about their merchandise on their page. In 2011, Coke began an initiative entitled “Share a Coke” that asked consumers to post pictures of themselves sharing a Coke on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (Trivedi & Malik, 2022). The next operation, which was to write names on Coke beverage containers, was started after the first campaign’s effectiveness. They would carefully examine every can or bottle, searching for their name on the tag. Since users were shooting selfies and sharing them on social networks, not only were individuals sharing cokes with their names on them, they were also sharing cokes without their names on them, which was a great idea invented by Coke.

The Coca-Cola Corporation has a variety of flavors, such as the famous basic Coke, so they should come up with a method to sell all of them. Customized advertising for Coke’s flavored Beverages for specialized festive occasions or noteworthy events like vacations would be beneficial. For example, cherry coke alongside ice cream for a party meal could be suggested by Coke as a taste pairing that might help create great memories. Customers may experience an emotional reaction and post thoughts and remarks on their online profiles. The vanilla Coke that individuals used to create in the past with ice cream served as a reminder of good times that they wanted to share and cherish. Thus, customized advertising will result in more prevalence on social networks and activity, which will increase discourse.

How the Strategies Used May Affect Customer Behavior

Consumers today live in the digital age and have access to everything they need to make online purchases, including tablets, smartphones, retailers, and media platforms. Online shopping has replaced the requirement for consumers to visit actual stores. Due to online retailers like Walmart and Amazon, people can order various goods from the convenience of their homes (Ritzer & Miles, 2018).

In addition to informing consumers about the wide range of goods available and enabling them to send pictures, videos, and comments to their website, Coke has many Facebook profiles with over a million subscribers and an Instagram account with over two million followers. Advertising agencies can use these platforms to learn about consumer behavior, promote novel products, and reach new industries. When competing against Pepsi Corporation, which is not as engaged with social media as Coca-Cola is, Coke has demonstrated its ability to withstand stiff competition. According to data, customers only drink Coke or Pepsi items, never both. Coke’s online presence was three times bigger than Pepsi’s after a six-month evaluation (Brownbill et al., 2018). This frequently suggests that Coca-Cola is significantly more important on social media sites.

Coke can develop relationships with its customers and learn how they use its products by leveraging the internet to connect with millions of consumers. Customers are persuaded to buy Coke’s items owing to its social media marketing strategy, which boosts sales and earnings. Social media boosts Coke’s visibility in the market using free advertising, with customers snapping photos with Coke bottles or cans in their hands, which motivates other individuals to buy the item. Social media likes, comments, dislikes, and website visits are all examples of actions Coke might use to inform its future marketing plans. Its influence is significant and tends to reach many consumers daily. Social media is similar to a regular pot for Coca-Cola drinkers to express their emotions. Furthermore, it attracts more customers since they want to experience something similar to what they view on social media channels. More customers translate into higher profits for the business and colonizing a larger market than their rivals.


Effective marketing tactics boost market share and foster client loyalty. Since 1886, Coke’s brand has grown to become a household name. Coca-Cola has done an amazing job of utilizing the internet to expand its market position and by utilizing the data gathered from media platforms. Coke will continue to comprehend customer habits and develop unique marketing strategies to attract prospective consumers while retaining existing ones.


3 Ways Coca-Cola is embracing the pandemic-fueled eCommerce Revolution (2020). The Coca-Cola Company). Web.

Brownbill, A. L., Miller, C. L., & Braunack-Mayer, A. J. (2018). The marketing of sugar-sweetened beverages to young people on Facebook. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 42(4), 354–360. Web.

Integrated Annual Report 2020 (2021). Coca-Cola HBC. Web.

More than a beverage company (2023). The Coca-Cola Company. Web.

Ritzer, G., & Miles, S. (2018). The changing nature of consumption and the intensification of McDonaldization in the Digital age. Journal of Consumer Culture, 19(1), 3–20. Web.

Trivedi, S., & Malik, R. (2022). Social media marketing as New Marketing Tool. Research Anthology on Social Media Advertising and Building Consumer Relationships, 18–33. Web.

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