Data Insights and Competitor Analysis


Talkwalker was used to collect information on the brand mentions in media for Virgin and Qantas airline companies. This quick search engine is a reliable tool for analyzing online data on trending content regarding a topic or brand. The data was collected from the online content posted in the English language for three months, from January 15, 2022, to April 14, 2022. The data on positive, neutral, and negative sentiments in response to the mentionings of both brands have been analyzed. The results indicate that Virgin obtained a 5.4% higher rate of positive sentiment, reaching the level of 14.4% in comparison to Qantas, which has reached 9%. The spike in positive sentiment was associated with the appraising feedback on the airlines’ services and was consistent for both brands. Similarly, Virgin obtained a higher rate of neutral sentiment (66.4%) as opposed to Qantas’ (50%). As for negative sentiment, Virgin was characterized by a significantly lower rate of 19.4%, while Qantas received 41.1%. The spikes of negative sentiment were associated with Qantas’ lawsuits and Virgin’s customer feedback.

Potential Reach

As informed by the collected data analysis results, the two brands’ potential reach is significantly different. Overall, the potential reach of the target audience indicates the scope of the population that engages in media information mentioning the brand. In particular, Virgin’s indicator of potential reach was 162.5B, which is significantly lower in comparison to Qantas. Indeed, the potential reach for the Qantas Airlines company was 831.8B, implying a large body of target audience that might comprise the organization’s consumer base. However, since the potential reach indicates the number of people who saw the content on the brand, the prevalence of negative sentiment in Qantas in comparison to Virgin implies that the potential reach difference might be adjusted accordingly.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, April 20). Data Insights and Competitor Analysis.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Data Insights and Competitor Analysis." April 20, 2023.

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