Database Evaluation and Oracle Database Description

Since databases transmit data about company sales transactions, products, client data, and advertising strategies, such systems are crucial to our company. Without a database and a centralized system to keep all the data, we will not be able to track the business’s activities and maintain the operations’ safety. The company may benefit from establishing a database because it allows for maintaining and exploring data in different ways (Vyawahare et al., 2021). Furthermore, it will be possible to encourage the use of a methodical approach to data management and transform fragmented data into a useful resource. Lastly, a database increases the accuracy and reliability of the information (Vyawahare et al., 2021). Otherwise, our organization may lack the time or resources to collect and handle significant data (Vyawahare et al., 2021). Lack of knowledge of the company’s performance, the profitability of the market segments, and lack of information on the likelihood that customers would make further purchases might result from this.

When it comes to the software that might be the most suitable for the organization, it can be Oracle due to the many advantages offered to customers. Clients may choose between in-memory, NoSQL, and MySQL databases, along with cost-effective and high-performance editions of Oracle Database, the leading integrated, multi-model data management system on the market (Wu & Cheng, 2020). With Oracle application security systems for encrypting, data manipulation, authorized access control restrictions, activity tracking, and reporting, the company can evaluate, identify, and mitigate risks to data security (Wu & Cheng, 2020). Thus, there is not only a need for a database system but a necessity for such software that will make many processes easier and more secure. This information demonstrates that Oracle should be selected because this database offers numerous advantages.


Wu, H., & Cheng, C. (2020). Research on search optimization based on the Oracle database. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1648(4),

Vyawahare, H. R., Karde, P. P., & Thakare, V. M. (2018). A hybrid database approach using graph and relational database. 2018 International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering (RICE), 1-4.

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