Death Of Student at LA High School Case Discussion

The case to be discussed further in this essay occurred in one of Los Angeles’s high schools, where a 15-year-old teenager died from a fentanyl overdose (Casiano, 2022). The suspects in the case are two teenagers who brought drugs to school after buying them in Hollywood Park. They have already been arrested, and police assume that the drug organization is standing behind this case. Another victim of the case was a friend of 15-year-old Melanie Ramos, who remains hospitalized today (Casiano, 2022). This case is receiving a lot of media attention, which might influence the justice system.

The case can potentially change the laws regarding California state borders. Sheriff Moore expressed his worries regarding California being a drug trafficking and human trafficking state, which is why borders must be closed (Casiano, 2022). Closure of the borders might lead to the endorsement of specific federal laws because economic and political relationships between California and other states might become more complex. Since children are involved in a case, millions of parents living in a state can participate in passing new laws for closed borders. This case might potentially change not only the justice system but also the internal and external politics of the country.

Another potential influence of the case can cause changes in the internal justice system of California. The sheriff of the Los Angeles Police Department emphasized that public safety and health systems are in danger of drugs becoming a more serious issue than it is now (Casiano, 2022). This might require the police officers to patrol the streets more and check every person for drug suspects, which in turn needs laws. The healthcare system might also have to pass legislation forcing medical workers to report every suspect visiting the hospital or outside the facility. Such changes in the justice system might establish a new social order and require citizens to always report people who use or sell drugs. Consequently, the problem emphasized by Sheriff Moore can be eliminated.


Casiano, L. (2022). Los Angeles High School Fentanyl overdose: LAPD arrest 2 teen suspects in 15-year-old girl’s death. Fox News. Web.

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