Debating the Historical Adam: Integrating Faith and Science to Strengthen Christian Beliefs


Atheists have challenged the idea of the historical Adam for centuries. This question has been controversial enough for some Christians to start doubting this core belief of Christianity. Many arguments Christians use when discussing the issue with the atheists are not convincing enough. Atheists base their understanding on the scientific notions of evolution. The Christian view of the world’s creation must be improved by introducing changes aimed at uniting society and accepting the value of science.

Objections to Each Argument Presented in the Video

The video “Top Ten Creationist Arguments” provides ten objections to the arguments of Christians who believe in the historical Adam. Firstly, authors deny the argument that carbon dating is not accurate and claim that there are more accurate methods to estimate the age of the Earth (Top Ten Creationist Arguments 00:35). They claim that evolution is an observable science and argue that monkeys still exist due to the process of branching (Top Ten Creationist Arguments 01:18).

They state that the United States was not created as a Christian nation and the law of Thermodynamics cannot be applied to the life development on Earth (Top Ten Creationist Arguments 04:24). Overall, the general objection to the arguments is that people’s faith is insufficient to support creationism. This means that more reliable arguments and evidence must be applied to confirm a phenomenon or event.

Evaluating the Valid Argument

One valid argument Christians present is that humans could not have evolved from monkeys. Humans have unique souls and purposes, and “all people regardless of race or ethnicity have the same nature, the same inherent dignity, the same image of God, the same sin problem” (DeYoung para. 10). The inherent dignity and the sin problem is absent in monkeys.

The image of the historical Adam was described in the book of Genesis, and it provides us with the vision of our common ancestor who shared the exact nature as we do DeYoung. The nature of animals is inherently different, and monkeys have more in common with the nature of other animals than humans. Moreover, as the article points out, “Without a historical Adam, Paul’s doctrine of original sin and guilt does not hold together” (DeYoung para. 11).

Accepting the idea of the human’s evolution from the monkeys undermines the authority of the Bible. It goes against the faith in God as the creator of all things. This argument is valid because it emphasizes the concepts of origin and reason. This is an integral part of the Christian worldview that directly affects a Christian’s perception of their identity. We are obliged to rely on predestination to realize our inner world.

Assessing the False Argument

An invalid argument that does not explain the existence of the historical Adam in any way and fails to communicate to people why believing in the historical Adam is essential is the carbon dating argument. In this example, some Christians try to prove their point by claiming that this method of finding the age of the Earth is invalid.

Indeed, as the article mentions, “Christians may disagree on the age of the earth, but whether Adam ever existed is a gospel issue” (DeYoung para. 13). Therefore, the issue of the age of the Earth and its measurement has nothing to do with the existence of the Historical Adam and does not support the argument that the historical Adam existed. This is an unsubstantiated argument because the date of the chemicals’ origin is unrelated to life issues per se. The existence of evidence of the age of the Earth cannot support the existence of Adam, for that age cannot serve as a starting point for the development of the world.

Suggestions for Improving Christian Presentations

First, Christians must recognize the importance of science to maintain the ability to move forward and overcome adversity sent by God to test. This means that even if we share the emergence of man and animals in the Bible, we should not repudiate human inventions. Man moves through time under God’s supervision, so the dignity of those who assume this role must not be taken away.

Second, Christians must recognize the role the age of events plays in the reconstruction of the world. The connection to the evidence of existence can strengthen their position and provide a sound basis for who was in charge of spiritual beliefs at what time. The relationship between science and religion is more nuanced than atheists assume, and it is still an ongoing debate among scientists.

Impact of the Arguments on Personal Beliefs

These arguments have influenced me to recognize my worth personally and with others. I realize that Christianity teaches an understanding of self and role in the world, so the arguments show aspects we must work on. My Salvation is understood through the idea of the inherent dignity of human beings; that is, it is an unconditional phenomenon bound to happen. God suffered for our sins, so we must do everything to earn Salvation and go through it. The arguments show that I must unite with other people and follow God together.


To conclude, Christians can and should change their presentation of the arguments in favor of the existence of the Historical Adam. Instead of using scientific arguments that do not convey the absolute value of the belief in a single ancestor, communication should be managed differently. The arguments should be based on the spiritual value of Christianity and the importance of the Bible. The inherent human dignity and its connection with the existence of the historical Adam should be emphasized more.

Works Cited

DeYoung, Kevin. “10 Reasons to Believe in a Historical Adam.” TGC. 2012. Web.

Top Ten Creationist Arguments.” YouTube, uploaded by TheThinkingAtheist. 2009. Web.

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