Decent Work in Western Australia


The world as a whole should benefit from economic prosperity. According to the UN (n.d.), SDG8’s aim is to “promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all” (para. 1). This is why the government must ensure that economic growth produces honest and satisfying jobs without endangering the environment (The Global Goals, n.d.). Protecting workers’ rights is essential, as is putting an end to contemporary slavery and child labor once and for all. The government can ensure that everyone benefits from entrepreneurship and innovation if it supports job creation with increased access to banking and financial services. This paper will review the literature on decent work in Western Australia.

The Purpose of SDG8

The government of Western Australia also aims to promote the SDG8 goal and create a decent economic environment and work conditions for all. Since SDG8’s primary focus is on the development of a sustainable and positive economic environment, it is important to examine the strategy that the government of Western Australia has to achieve this development goal. RMIT University (n.d.) states that in order to complete a Work Integrated Learning placement opportunity for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), RMIT is collaborating with the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW). The SDGs offer a crucial framework through which we may work together to address some of the most pressing social and environmental issues. One initiative that supports SDG8 in Western Australia is supported by the government. Diversify WA supports the WA Government’s focus on generating secure, quality employment and increasing and diversifying the economy (Government of Western Australia, 2020). Moreover, Diversify WA aims to lure investment by offering an economic plan for cooperation between the government, business, and community.

In addition, the government of Australia has developed an economic development plan that should contribute to decent work. According to Growth Vibes (n.d.), between 2019 and 2020, The Growth Lab collaborated with the Western Australian government through its Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. The initiative sought to uncover structural barriers to sustainable and equitable growth as well as high-potential prospects for economic diversification. In order to inform policy suggestions for accelerating productive transformation, economic diversification, and more inclusive and resilient job creation across Western Australia, the research teams were hired to apply growth diagnostic and economic complexity approaches.

Important research on decent work in Wester Australia was conducted by McIlveen et al. (2020). The current study focuses on the Decent Work Scale’s (DWS) assessment characteristics in Australia and contributes to the growing body of evidence supporting the scale’s applicability globally for psychological studies on the significance of work in people’s lives. Through a survey of a sample of employees who completed the DWS and criteria measures of career-related characteristics such as job satisfaction, work engagement, and withdrawal intentions, the study adds fresh data to the body of knowledge (McIlveen et al., 2020). Confirmatory factor analysis was used to assess bifactor models, higher-order factors, and related factors. All models met requirements; however, the bifactor model demonstrated a fit that was preferred. All criteria measurements were predicted by the DWS Values Congruence subscale (McIlveen et al., 2020). There were no major effects or interactions between worker income and judgments of the prestige of their employment and the DWS subscales. Future study is advised to examine the DWS’s relationships with mental health indicators that are well-known predictors of outcomes connected to careers.


In summary, the purpose of SDG8 is to promote full and productive employment, sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, and decent work for everyone. In order to solve some of the most urgent social and environmental problems, RMIT University is working with the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW). By presenting an economic strategy for collaboration between the state government, private sector, and community, initiatives such as Diversify WA hopes to attract investment.


Government of Western Australia. (2020). Diversify WA economic development framework. Web.

The Global Goals. (n.d.). Decent work and economic growth. Web.

Growth Vibes. (n.d.). Realizing economic growth in Western Australia. Web.

McIlveen, P., Hoare, P. N., Perera, H. N., Kossen, C., Mason, L., Munday, S., Alchin, C., Creed, A., McDonald, N. (2020). Decent work’s association with job satisfaction, work engagement, and withdrawal intentions in Australian working adults. Journal of Career Assessment, 1-10. Web.

RMIT University. (n.d.). SDGs work integrated learning placement. Web.

United Nations [UN]. (n.d.). 8. Web.

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