Dental Clinic Person-Centered Prevention


Person-centered care defines a technique focused on more critical elements to the patients and families, such as treatment, support, and care. This method is an approach based on professionalism and a kind of thinking which views social and health services users as partners; in monitoring, developing, and planning clinical care to meet their needs (Walji et al., 2017). A person-centered program is provided to the sick and the relatives instead of giving attention specifically to the sick. Therefore, the person-centered technique involves setting the patient and the family central to decision-making and viewing them as experts performing hand-in-hand with professionals to bring the best treatment results.

Comparison of Clinic Approaches

Student, patient, and person-centered care are similar and different in several ways. The first approach is focused on providing the cure depending on the patient’s payment ability. Besides, the cure outcomes are based on a treatment plan and procedures’ completion. Conversely, when performing specific dental processes, student-centered care sees the patients based on the training needs. However, patient-centered care emphasizes handling ailments. Its results are based on the effects of the population in general. Moreover, the perspective recognizes that there is a separation between body systems and the psychosocial domain. In contrast, person-centered care manages illness but contextually considers ethnic, religious, personal, social, and other factors (Walji et al., 2017). This method projects patients in an all-inclusive manner; it regards the interrelation between the body systems. Furthermore, the approach reflects multiple factors in line with its outcomes on improving an individual’s overall well-being and health.

Advantages of Person Care Approach

A person-centered approach is beneficial to the process of managing dental diseases in various ways. It involves a shared role in decision-making which concerns the patient, clinician, and the present friends or family members. The invited persons help the clinic officer to provide an individual with the options and a description of both their benefits and risks. At the same time, the sick can articulate his or her values and preferences (Walji et al., 2017). Similarly, the methodology offers value-based care that redeploys the provider’s compensation grounded on the patient’s generated value. This aspect ties this method to quality and success in preventing the alleviation of ailment conditions. Additionally, the approach focuses on health social factors by comprehending a person’s employment, economic, cultural, social, and other vital elements in offering person-centered care. The technique broadly benefits the patient, treatment process, friends, and family through decision-making, articulation of beliefs and preferences, and value-based care.

Model Challenges

The person-centered care beyond its strengths is challenged in the aspect of the academic switch. The model encounters difficulties in transitioning the dental education programs and institutions, as they need to revise their value and mission statements from education for future practitioners (Walji et al., 2017). The fundamental tenets of person-centered care need to be practiced to enable students in oral health care to idealize this approach after graduating. This kind of change also requires a behavioral shift in health professions institutions’ philosophies. Success in the academic transition challenge is achievable by learners engaging in oral health care after studies.

Treatment Approach Classification

My clinic experience was a hybrid of both people- and student-centered care. First, it involved the management of the therapeutic procedures and requirements in treatment and diagnosis. This method engaged several features which relate to the person-centered approach such as assessments of social factors. Moreover, the treatment approach had exceptional social health examination programs that deployed thorough dental home care activities. The person and student-centered hybrid technique showcased significant successes, which justify its efficiency when applied.


I strongly support the idea behind the model of person-centered care for its successes. The methodology emphasizes treating disease, and it also aims to work together with a patient and the family members to attain optimal health (Walji et al., 2017). It benefits dentistry in preventing oral illnesses such as periodontal disease and dental caries, among other dental illnesses. Person-centered care is objective, it offers and boosts dental diseases’ prevention, and enables patients’ follow–up.


Walji, M., Karimbux, N., & Spielman, A. (2017). Person-centered care: Opportunities and challenges for academic dental institutions and programs. Journal of Dental Education, 81(11), 1265-1272. Web.

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