Design Process, Metrics and Requirements

It is quite an accepted view that any creative work needs complete freedom, and no limits can be set. Although the design process encompasses creative effort, it is different from the creative process of many artists. Designers create products that serve specific purposes, so they are bound to have certain features (“How to write,” n.d.). Designers need to provide a product that would satisfy the customer’s expectations. Therefore, in this respect, requirements and metrics are helpful for the design process.

It is possible to note that such prerequisites guide designers’ work. The more specific and detailed requirements are, the easier and more effective designers can develop the necessary product. However, in many cases, such metrics are not given, which may lead to customer dissatisfaction (“How to write,” n.d.). The major difficulties are associated with the so-called soft attributes of a product. Hard attributes are related to measurable properties such as weight, dimensions, speed, and so on. Soft attributes are subjective and tend to be emotional in nature (Sade, 2014). People perceive diverse aspects and concepts differently, which leads to misunderstandings and undesirable outcomes. A customer may expect to receive a product of a certain color and shape that correspond to their view of gentleness and love. A designer may (and often has) a different perspective, which affects the design process.

In order to avoid any unwanted issues, it is critical to ensure that detailed and as measurable as possible requirements and metrics are established. Designers and customers need to be on the same page, and effective communication is one of the premises to achieve this goal. When working on projects, it is advisable to receive feedback at different stages of the work so that any inconsistencies could be eliminated.


How to write a painless product requirements document. (n.d.). Web.

Sade, Y. (2014). The two different types of product’s attributes. Web.

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