The Influence of Euphoria on Fashion

Euphoria, starring Zendaya, Hunter Schafer, Sydney Sweeney, Alexa Demie, and others as teenage teens juggling love, family, addictions, and personalities, has released the second season.


The show’s costumes present a mix of older items with nostalgic undertones and more modern outfits, such as skinny jeans and knitted blouses with quilling in the old style, but with naked abdomen as in modern crop tops.


For example, the vintage blouse, like the one that Maddy wears in school, is already accessible in fashion shops and attracts the fans of the show.


Jules explores her femininity and sexual identity in the first season by wearing bright and extravagant clothes, pastels, tiny skirts; this also results in the rise of popularity for similar looks among teenagers.


In the first episode, Jules attended a New Year’s Eve party wearing a grunge ensemble consisting of a beaded top, a mesh leotard, and a corset-like skirt, as well as choker necklaces; and people already try to copy this outfit.


Cassie is another character whose identity issue is reflected in her clothing: she prefers very feminine clothes, skirts, and bold colors that show her desire to be loved, which is immediately reflected in fashion trends.


Her style is in a conventional sense feminine, making her feel more secure beautiful. These clothes from the second season are about vying for Nate’s attention, which signifies something more profound to her, and designers have already released similar dresses.


Even swimming suits inspired by the series’ character Cassie have emerged in stores and become popular not only among the fans of Euphoria, but all people who are into fashion.


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