Global Warming Effects on Earth

Global warming presents a considerable threat by having an enormous influence on humanity’s social, economic, and physical state. Global warming is the long-term process that refers to gradual Earth heating observed from the industrial and pre-industrial revolution periods (NASA). The issue results from the greenhouse gas effect caused by human activities such as fossil fuel burning. Increasing temperature not only changes the warm balance and climate that has been developed for millions of years but also negatively affects every aspect of human life. Moreover, the consequences of global warming are devastating for the planet, including its flora and fauna.

Changing temperature leads to considerable changes in climate, causing the extinction of different species. It could be stated that global warming is a severe issue that causes climate change, natural disasters, and the fall of the human economy.

Climate change resulting from the rise of the temperature provokes severe environmental transformations. According to National Geographic, there is a rise of more than 0.9 degrees Celsius in the global average surface temperature in the past century. This tiny change creates drastic effects such as melting glaciers, rising sea level, shifting precipitations, and making animals migrate (Converse Energy Future).

These transformations make the living conditions of some animal and plant species intolerable. As mentioned by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the rapid switch in climate does not allow animals and plants to adapt to a new environment, as the previous pattern required thousand of years. Converse Energy Future states that this produces the distribution of the entire food chain ruining balance. This will dramatically impact the ecosystem and all species including human beings.

The rising temperature induces high frequency and distraction produced by natural disasters. As highlighted by the United Nations (UN), a water crisis is expected in Africa and tropical regions due to the large scales of evaporation in those areas. Another environmental issue resulting from global warming is more frequent wildfires. Converse Energy Future claims that new patterns of wildfires worldwide last longer, releasing a significant amount of carbon dioxide, and putting the lives of animals and humans in danger. NASA adds that the greenhouse effect would lead to unexpected heatwaves, hurricanes, and cyclones. Generally, the specialists predict significant alterations in climate zones and temperature distributions.

The effect of global warming on the human economy is calamitous. The results of global warming could ruin the human economy in a short period. The constant fluctuations in temperature can worsen the living conditions of people destroying the productivity of agriculture. While the African population is in danger of droughts and the absence of adequate water supplies leading to food shortage and famine, the European population could experience floods (UN).

As the glacier and ice melting outcome, humanity could face a lack of drinking water supplies. This issue also affects the ocean increasing its temperature and acidifying it. It could be destructive for humans, as fish and other marine resources would be unavailable or unsafe to consume. Most importantly, global warming induces the rise of infectious diseases such as malaria and bacterial lung or other insect-borne diseases (UN). Along with the increase in virus infections in the higher temperature, there is an expected rise in respiratory conditions such as asthma due to the increased emission of CO2 gases. The continuous impact of this kind could shorten human life and provoke chronic diseases.

Works Cited

Conserve Energy Future and About Rinkesh. “24 Devastating Effects of Global Warming That Will Leave You Spellbound.” Conserve Energy Future. 2019. Web.

NASA. “Overview: Weather, Global Warming and Climate Change.NASA. 2021. Web.

National Geographic. “Global Warming Effects.Environment, National Geographic, 2021. Web.

UN. “The Health Effects of Global Warming: Developing Countries Are the Most Vulnerable.” United Nations. Web.

WWF. “Impacts of Global Warming.World Wide Fund for Nature. Web.

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