Developing a New Information System

I absolutely agree that integrating a new information system can completely change the nature or direction of a business. Understanding business processes is essential to dealing with these organizational changes. The introduction of information technology can lead to administrative changes of varying degrees, from minimal to far-reaching (Laudon & Laudon, 2019). The course of the organization depends on the initial strategy, the subject area of ​​activity, and the determination and perseverance of the enterprise’s top management to bring the initiated changes to completion.

The development of global networks promotes the international division of production, expands the scope of activities and improves the coordination of personnel. Networks within the enterprise allow for improved collaboration by distributing production capacity (Laudon & Laudon, 2019). Business process management takes place under a single unifying factor. Distributed manufacturing facilitates how an organization moves into a partially virtual field (Kurpjuweit et al., 2021). Thus, organizational and capital costs are reduced since the need to allocate means of production is reduced. With the integration of graphical user interfaces, all employees of the organization have access to the necessary knowledge and information (Laudon & Laudon, 2019). An important innovation is the simplification of the whole workflow.

Before implementing any changes related to the organizational structure, it is necessary to understand the operation of business processes. Implementing new information solutions is costly, so you should understand the risks. The organization’s specifics, the management’s readiness and the team’s technical preparation are significant in the success of the integration. The ability of businesses to adapt to new information solutions plays an important role. Only with a detailed consideration of the facts will the organization successfully introduce new information technologies and progress in future development.


Kurpjuweit, S., Schmidt, C. G., Klöckner, M., & Wagner, S. M. (2021). Blockchain in additive manufacturing and its impact on supply chains. Journal of Business Logistics, 42(1), 46-70. Web.

Laudon, K. C., & Laudon, J. P. (2019). Management information systems: Managing the digital firm (16th ed.). Pearson.

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