Aspects of Tech Support II Salary


When it is necessary to offer a new position, an organization can face challenges because it is necessary to determine a salary that will be both appropriate for the business and attractive to candidates. The Chief Financial Officer and the Chief Executive Officer make the final decision regarding salary size, but these professionals should be provided with supporting information. I plan to explain that specific steps should be performed to determine a base pay range for the Tech Support II position.


It is reasonable to analyze much information to reach a particular pay range. Firstly, it is necessary to research the market and identify the salary of similar specialists. The task is to find out how much money other organizations pay to such professionals to locate the average pay size. Secondly, market research should draw attention to regional peculiarities because Tech Support II positions are associated with different salaries in various states. For example, the compensation in San Francisco is 33% higher than the average, while the professionals from Phoenix receive salaries that are 29% below the average value (Comparably, n.d.).

Thirdly, the base salary size should depend on what specific characteristics a potential employee should have (Smith, 2022). It is not surprising that if the organization requires an individual with rich education and work experience, the base salary should be above the average to attract such professionals. Finally, the organization should look at its direct competitors and identify how much money they pay Tech Support II employees. In this case, an essential task is to ensure that rivals do not offer higher compensation.

According to the information above, I suggest that the Tech Support II base pay should be $60,000-$70,000, and specific arguments support these figures. Market research has demonstrated that the average pay for such professionals is approximately $60,000 (Comparably, n.d.). That is why the organization should not offer lower compensation. Since the position under analysis requires at least an associate’s degree and 4+ years of experience, the base salary should be above the average. However, it is worth stipulating that it is not a good decision to offer an unreasonably high salary. On the one hand, the most important requirement is that the base pay should not be below the one offered by competitors. I would recommend establishing a higher salary to ensure that the organization is more attractive than its rivals. On the other hand, one should remember that the base salary maximum depends on the company’s size, budget, and organizational goals. All this information denotes that the base pay range of $60,000-$70,000 seems appropriate and justified.


In conclusion, sufficient evidence has demonstrated that the suggested base pay range of $60,000-$70,000 is appropriate for the Tech Support II position. It is close to or above the average because the candidate should meet specific education and experience requirements. However, higher salaries are possible and justified if organizations have appropriate budgets. Since the presented scenario does not include such information, the recommendation is offered for a company with a medium size and budget. All these details demonstrate that the suggested salary should be above the average salary size, but it is impossible to offer a significantly higher base pay. That is why the suggested range of $60,000-$70,000 seems appropriate and adequate since it meets all the criteria discussed above.


Comparably. (n.d.). Technical support salary in tech. Web.

Smith, L. (2022). What is base salary: Definition and ways to determine it. Snovio. Web.

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