Assessing Development in School-Aged Children


The appropriate development of individuals throughout all stages of their lives is critical as it guarantees their effective functioning in the future and the ability to live in society, communicate with its members, and engage in collaborative or successful relations. For this reason, much effort is devoted to the in-depth investigation of this aspect and formulation of the essential needs peculiar to every age. At the same time, assessment of children during periods of their formation is fundamental as it helps to determine if they evolve according to the accepted patterns and eliminate problems if they occur. Examination of school-aged children’s needs can help an investigator to select tools that can stimulate an individual’s further growth and formation.

Needs of Children

The existing guides outline the following needs peculiar to children between the ages of 5 and 12 years old. First of all, the need for socialization should emerge. In this period, they should enjoy playing with peers in groups and rule-based games (Decker, 2015).

Children also have the need for conflict resolution without adults’ interference to cognize their growing independence and ability to cope with challenges that emerge during their development (Decker, 2015). They should have the desire to develop self-awareness and acquire some privacy. First romantic feelings might appear (Decker, 2015). A child can demand more physical activity to investigate new functions of his/her body. In such a way, all needs are related to the peculiarities of the growing individuals and evolving conscience.

Physical Assessment

The physical aspect of children’s development also demands the increased attention as it is the guarantee of their successful functioning in the future. The physical assessment differs regarding the age and developmental stage. The techniques that help to analyze the basic locomotor skills are applied. However, the results should be considered depending on the age. For instance, a six-year-old child should be able to catch a small ball with one hand and use a pen or a pencil with a correct grip (Decker, 2015). As for the older individuals, at 12 years they should be able to use some adult tools such as hammers or saws, perform all hygienic activities on themselves (Decker, 2015). It means that different criteria and scales should be applied to take into account development peculiarities.


For the application of various assessment techniques, a boy of 12 years was selected. His emotional, physical, and social development can be considered appropriate for his age as typical developmental stages can be observed. For instance, he has acne evidencing the start of puberty. At the same time, he looks awkward because of the alterations in his body. The boy is ashamed of his parents’ affection, especially when it is demonstrated in public. There is a certain girl who sparks romantic interest in the participant, but he tries to conceal these feelings. He is very physically active and prefers games that can help to assert himself among his peers and a competitive element is very important.

Theory Application

Applying the Erickson theory of development, the body passes the stage of competence. It is characterized by the increased awareness of themselves and recognition of the need to learn new skills. In this regard, the assessment of a child should include questions about his vision of the future and how he plans to act (Psychology Notes, 2017). At the same time, the spheres of academic interests should also be assessed as they become critical for this age. The cooperation can be aligned on the basis of mutual respect as individuals of 12 years appreciate this attitude (Decker, 2015). Results of the assessment can show if there is a need for intervention to help the child determine his skills, talents, and future interests and promote his further growth.


Decker, C. (2015). Child development: Early stages through age 12 (8th ed.). New York, NY: Goodheart-Willcox.

Psychology Notes. (2017). Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development. Web.

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