Human Developmental Stages: Prenatal to Late Childhood

Human beings have to go through a sequence of developmental stages or milestones. Each phase is essential since it supports the acquisition of both physical and cognitive abilities. A detailed analysis of each childhood stage can make it possible for caregivers and guardians to offer timely or evidence-based support. The purpose of this virtual person paper is to examine each developmental phase in detail and the major concerns associated with it.

Perinetal/Prenatal Development

The gender of the selected person for this discussion is a male. The unborn baby does not have any known or identifiable defects. Several precautions have been taken into consideration during pregnancy. Some of them include avoiding smoking and a sedentary lifestyle, and taking recommended supplements. The issue of diet has remained critical throughout the period. This is the case since I preferred large quantities of vegetables and fruits (Almarzooq, Albusta, & Alamarzooq, 2019). It has been necessary to consume adequate carbohydrates and plant-based proteins to get the required energy. I always take enough water frequently to avoid dehydration. I have reduced my intake of meat and fast food.

I avoided fatty foods and led an active lifestyle. These practices explain why I gave birth to a healthy child. The pregnancy was full term since the child was born within the predicted delivery period. A normal delivery was recorded with the presence of a midwife and the baby’s father. The newborn baby was given the name X in honor of his grandfather. The child was breastfed for at least six months without bottle feeding. This practice was selected to ensure that the child improved his body’s immunity (Almarzooq et al., 2019). After this period, he was bottle-fed depending on the existing circumstances or situations.


The temperament of the infant is secure. This means that he is usually happy, has a regular sleeping pattern, and remained calm. The deducible information from this observation is that he is adapting to the situation well and has a normal development. In terms of attachment, he appears to be the secure type. This means that he has a high maturity score and he understands what is happening around him (Almarzooq et al., 2019). This outcome reveals that my child has a positive development pattern.


My infant has continued to record desirable or positive developmental milestones. Being a toddler, this child spends his day attending day-care, watching cartoons on TV, and playing with other children over the weekend. I have made these decisions since I am usually unavailable as a parent during the five days of the week. The TV and other children are a good source of support, which ensures that he acquires and develops desirable traits (Hosokawa & Katsura, 2019).

The home environment is characterized by several apartments occupied by different families with several young children. Our neighbors play with my toddler frequently. I interact with him on a daily basis by engaging in playful activities, washing and feeding him, and having story narration sessions. He has different types of toys: blankets, shakers, pencils, and scribbling pads.

When my toddler throws a fit while in a supermarket, I usually distract him by calling his name and showing something he might like. This form of discipline appears appropriate depending on his age. When he keeps teasing the family pet and fails to listen, I usually take him elsewhere whereby he can start playing with his toys. I always inform him about the dangers of teasing pets. The food my toddler eats is essential for his growth and development.

Since he is a child, I usually allow him to eat candy once in a while. Although he will take soda when he gets the chance, I find it unhealthy since it affects the growth of strong bones (Almarzooq et al., 2019). I avoid giving him Kool-Aid since it is unhealthy. Instead, I prefer baby formula, milk, mashed fruits, and chocolate. These food products are essential for building strong bones, increasing immunity, and promoting developmental milestones.

Early Childhood

My child now has a sister aged 4 months. He is always willing to tease or play with her. He has a normal sleeping pattern. However, he goes to sleep much earlier than the other family members. Nonetheless, he does not have nightmares or sleep terrors. However, sometimes he might say one or two words in his sleep. When this happens, I usually turn or uncover him depending on his sleeping position (Neves, Morais, Teixeira, & Pinto, 2015). I have also observed that he has been wetting the bed. I consider it to be normal because he is only four years old. I use diapers when I suspect that he might wet the bed.

The issues of safety and health are critical for every young child. As a parent, I always ensure that the house is baby-proof. This means that medicines, matchboxes, and other dangerous compounds are inaccessible to him. I have instructed those who take care of him to keep an eye on him. It is essential to ensure that he eats healthy food and plays in a safe environment (Almarzooq et al., 2019). In order to encourage a healthy lifestyle, I always make sure that he balances his studies, play, and sleep. I also focus on the cleanliness of the available drinking water and the effectiveness of every food material.

Currently, the child is attending an Early Foundations preschool. This option presents an opportunity for continuous play and acquisition of diverse skills (Neves et al., 2015). My child’s typical lunch is a combination of any of these options: cheese, yoghurt, milk, fruits, fresh vegetables, lean proteins, whole-grain cereals, dairy substitutes, eggs, and bread (Neves et al., 2015). I have been guiding and educating him about the dangers of fast food so that he can take the issue of a healthy diet seriously.

I have gone further to liaise with the baby’s teachers and instructors to ensure that he sticks to the outlined lunch options. The same precautions are usually considered while he is at home. I have been educating him about the importance of washing his hands with soap, maintaining the highest level of hygiene, and playing frequently.

Middle/Late Childhood

With my child being on the middle-late childhood stage now, I have selected an authoritative parenting style as the best for him (Kuppens & Ceulemans, 2019). The reason for this choice is that it creates room for responsibility and encourages young individuals to learn how they can make their personal decisions (Sarwar, 2016). I select and promote desirable behavior, provide enough space, but still set limits that must be adhered to. If my son hit my neighbor’s window while playing baseball, I would talk to him and encourage him to remain focused and more careful in future. I would also inform my neighbor about the occurrence.

If he stole a candy bar from the supermarket, the most appropriate thing to do would be to talk to him about this misbehavior and its potential consequences (Hosokawa & Katsura, 2019). When he is bullied or teased by another child of the same age, I encourage him to avoid threatening situations and report the matter to me whenever necessary.

I usually tell my child that all human beings are the same and equal despite the fact that they are of different races. I inform him about the dangers of racism and how it affects the success of any society or nation (Almarzooq et al., 2019). The typical lunch for my child at this stage contains these options: bread, wheat-based meal, fish, mini chocolate, yoghurt, broccoli with ranch, fruit slices, vegetable salad, eggs, and whole grains.

My child of 9 years does not have a Facebook account. This is the case since I have been monitoring how he interacts with other people via the Internet. This kind of strategy is essential because I am aware of the dangers of online platforms, such as possible bullying and access to uncensored content (Hosokawa & Katsura, 2019). At the age of 10, I will be reluctant to give him a cell-phone since he will be unable to concentrate on his studies. Instead, I will allow him to play games on my phone.

My child has been performing excellently in class. These academic achievements are attributable to the instructions and support systems available to him. I usually encourage him to balance his TV time and learning objectives. This is also the same for computer use. The major conversations while watching TV include how he can use the family computer and TV for positive gains and how to avoid unnecessary content that is not rated over 10 years (Sarwar, 2016). The Internet is unavailable to him when it is not needed. In terms of sleep, my child sleeps from 8:00 pm to 5:30 am. He does not sleep frequently during the day.


Almarzooq, R., Albusta, N., & Alamarzooq, R. (2019). Evaluation of the physical growth parameters on the developmental outcome of children below six years of age. Bahrain Medical Bulletin, 41(1), 8-12. Web.

Hosokawa, R., & Katsura, T. (2019). Role of parenting style in children’s behavioral problems through the transition from preschool to elementary school according to gender in Japan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(1), pp. 21-37. Web.

Kuppens, S., & Ceulemans, E. (2019). Parenting styles: A closer look at a well-known concept. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 28(1), 168-181. Web.

Neves, K. R., Morais, R. L., Teixeira, R. A., & Pinto, P. A. F. (2015). Growth and development and their environmental and biological determinants. Jornal de Pediatria, 92(3), 241-250. Web.

Sarwar, S. (2016). Influence of parenting style on children’s behavior. Journal of Education and Educational Development, 3(2), 222-249.

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