Boosting Early Childhood Development with Malaysian Toys


Noticing the dynamics in early childhood development and utilizing appropriate tools for boosting it are central strategies for assisting children in building the required skill set for further critical and creative thinking for various purposes. Malaysian toys, in turn, introduce a vast range of possibilities for encouraging development in young kids, with brands such as Hape Toys offering a vast catalog of products (“Shape sorters,” 2019). By using Color and Shape Hape Malaysian toys, as well as Malaysian clay toys for kids, one will contribute to the development of creativity and critical analysis skills in young learners.

Main body

During early childhood, one develops essential skills that will provide the platform for future learning. At the stage of early childhood, it is essential to spur cognitive development and the acquisition of fine motor skills in a learner, according to the framework suggested by Piaget (Glowiak & Mayfield, 2016). For this purpose, the Hape brand of Malaysian toys has to be considered as the possible source of tools that can be used to spur early childhood development. Specifically, the training of cognitive skills will become possible when providing a learner with the Color and Shape toys (Paz-Albo Prieto, Cvencek, Herranz Llácer, Hervás Escobar, & Meltzoff, 2017). Offering a learner to sort the toys according to their color and shape by inserting the objects of the required shape into appropriate slots in a box, the toy serves as a perfect tool for boosting a child’s perception of space, shape, and color.

In a similar vein, the use of air-dry clay as an important toy for boosting early childhood development should be seen as necessary. Produced by the Malaysia Clay Art (2019) brand, the specified toy will encourage children to develop creativity and gain relevant skills (Field & Temple, 2017). The described opportunity is linked to the second developmental stage, specifically, middle childhood. During the specified stage, it is essential for learners to build crucial motor skills and perfect them. Due to the opportunity to create sculptures with very fine detail, clay as a developmental toy will assist learners in gaining motor skills and expanding their creativity (Glowiak & Mayfield, 2016). For example, when assigned a task of building a clay sculpture of a specific animal or character, children will need to add minor details that will require them to work manually on very small and refined details, which, in turn, will help them to acquire better motor skills (Gagne & Nwadinobi, 2018). The use of various instruments for stretching, smoothing, and roughening clay surfaces will also contribute to the development of the necessary skills and much more active development in middle childhood.


The use of Malaysian toys that teach children about basic shapes, as well as the clay ones that allow older children to build creative and abstract thinking skills, one will contribute to encouraging early childhood development and increasing the learners’ capability to acquire the competencies needed for their future growth. The introduction of shape-based toys will lead to the enhancement of spatial perception in young children, inviting them to develop abstract and critical thinking skills. In turn, the use of clay toys as the method of boosting the children’s creativity levels will assist them in gaining abstract thinking abilities for future learning. As a result, one will provide the platform for students’ active engagement in the academic process.


Field, S., & Temple, V. (2017). The relationship between fundamental motor skill proficiency and participation in organized sports and active recreation in middle childhood. Sports, 5(2), 43-52. Web.

Gagne, J. R., & Nwadinobi, O. K. (2018). Self-control interventions that benefit executive functioning and academic outcomes in early and middle childhood. Early Education and Development, 29(7), 971-987. Web.

Glowiak, M., & Mayfield, M. A. (2016). Middle childhood: Physical and cognitive development. In D. Capuzzi & M. D. Stauffer, Human growth and development across the lifespan: Applications for counselors (pp. 251-276).

Malaysia Clay Art. (2019). All types of clay. Web.

Paz-Albo Prieto, J., Cvencek, D., Herranz Llácer, C. V., Hervás Escobar, A., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2017). Preschoolers’ mathematical play and colour preferences: a new window into the development of gendered beliefs about math. Early Child Development and Care, 187(8), 1273-1283. Web.

Shape sorters. (2019). Web.

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