Digital Technologies in Business

Digital transformation is probably the most recurring theme on the agenda of modern businesses. IT-enabled opportunities drive managers around the world to upgrade and adapt their companies and organizations accordingly. Lin and Lin (2014) raise an intriguing question of how accurate the perceived usefulness of technology adoption really is. After all, any organizational change has to have a proper foundation, without which the innovation may backfire and cause an opposite result.

The results of their research are not as straightforward as they may initially seem. On the one hand, they do admit that the assumption that digital transformation is always beneficial is not always correct. (Lin and Lin, 2014). On the other hand, supply chain relationship was shown to have this correlation, as the performance of logistical operations has noticeably improved. The explanation for this discrepancy is that purpose of logistics is speed and accuracy, which can be accomplished by the successful implementation of IT.

Yet, in other areas, the implementation of advanced digital technologies is not always positive. The most common concern is that digital transformation transpires too rapidly (Brunetti et al., 2020). When new technologies are implemented, they have to be used properly. Many businesses are not ready to adopt advanced innovations, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. Such development may seem appropriate, but unless the organization is ready, implementation can be seen as premature.


Brunetti, F., Matt, D. T., Bonfanti, A., De Longhi, A., Pedrini, G., & Orzes, G. (2020). Digital transformation challenges: strategies emerging from a multi-stakeholder approach. The TQM Journal, 32(4), 697-724. Web.

Lin, T. H., & Lin, I. C. (2014). Factors for information technology acceptance willingness and adoption in logistics industry from supply chain perspectives. International Journal of Electronic Business Management, 12(3), 167-177. Web.

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