Understanding IT’s Role in Corporate Governance



Trites, Gerald, (2004), “Director Responsibility to IT Governance”, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Vol. 5 pp. 89-99.


The article discusses corporate governance and director’s responsibilities in the context of IT. The primary issue is the fact that the directors underestimate the significance of information technology in the business processes. In this instance, the article discusses the fundamental aspects, which were discussed in Information Technology Committee’s (ITAC) brochure. The primary intention of the document was to audit the knowledge of the managers about IT and its significance in the organization. Moreover, it identifies the direction of the development of the director’s responsibilities and duties in the IT sector.

Nonetheless, the primary issues concerning management such as determination of the authority being responsible for the actions and ability to measure the effectiveness of the decision were revealed. In this instance, strategic planning, internal control, and risk issue were evaluated in the relation to IT with the assistance of the statements from the ITAC brochure. Moreover, the importance of legal and privacy issues was underlined. In the end, it remains evident that all of the aspects mentioned above have a high correlation with the IT principles and define new duties of directors. The article reveals that the responsibilities of directors will continue to evolve due to the integration of technology and business processes. In the end, the author provides the questions for the audit of the directors in the IT-sphere.


The qualitative research method was used to acquire the information in the form of a case study. In this instance, it remains evident that the evaluation of the findings contributed to the determination of the necessity of the ability of the directors to understand the importance of technology in the business segment. Nonetheless, the primary drawback is the fact that the author strongly relies on the evaluations of questions and findings presented in the brochure to prove his position. In this instance, the outcomes lack validity and reliability due to the lack of support from the other reliable sources of information. Additionally, the findings and conclusions are strongly generalized due to the lack of evidence from other sources. In this instance, further research is necessary to understand the full potential of the current issue related to the correlation between understanding of principles of IT and the business sector. Nevertheless, the author utilizes persuasive arguments to support his opinion about the matter and describes all of the features in detail to emphasize the significance of the issue to the reader.

Lessons Learned

According to the study, the necessity to understand the correlation between the business processes and IT cannot be underestimated and has to be actively cultivated by the management. Understanding the vast variety of managerial practices and practical issues related to the determination of the efficiency of the decision are the primary attributes of corporate governance. Nowadays, information technology has a strong influence on business processes such as strategic planning, outsourcing, internal control, and risk evaluation, as these matters can be modified with the assistance of technological intervention. The study implies that the IT knowledge audit is necessary among directors, as they have a significant impact on the flow of business processes and external operations. It could be said that the article prepares the potential directors for the evolving duties, which will include the understanding of the role of IT while evaluating and establishing the objectives. Continuous evaluation of the IT knowledge becomes essential due to the innovation in the business sphere and the introduction of the new concepts and approaches and management.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, January 24). Understanding IT’s Role in Corporate Governance. https://studycorgi.com/director-responsibility-to-it-governance/

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Understanding IT’s Role in Corporate Governance'. 24 January.

1. StudyCorgi. "Understanding IT’s Role in Corporate Governance." January 24, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/director-responsibility-to-it-governance/.


StudyCorgi. "Understanding IT’s Role in Corporate Governance." January 24, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/director-responsibility-to-it-governance/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Understanding IT’s Role in Corporate Governance." January 24, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/director-responsibility-to-it-governance/.

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