Growth Opportunities from Current or New Markets


Growth opportunities achieved through development in a business may be divided according to the areas where improvements can be achieved. Based on modern management practices, leaders of organisations often resort to strategies that involve expanding the capabilities of their companies by working in different regions, selling new products or combining business approaches. The concept of continuous growth involves a search for opportunities to expand a firm’s sphere of influence, and employing current development methods allows identifying these areas and using them profitably.

This work is aimed at describing possible development strategies for business companies where management is interested in finding valuable prospects for improving current performance and attracting additional interest to a particular business.

Growth Opportunities from Current or New Geographical Locations

The possibility of expanding business influence through the development of new geographic areas opens up significant growth prospects. According to Cohan, having sufficient economic potential and the ability to provide specific products or services in new locations offers an organisation the possibility to attract the attention of new consumers (57). Accordingly, opportunities and assets will increase, which entails profit and other significant dividends such as resistance to competition.

Frameworks for Choosing Geographic Growth Vectors

The CEOs of companies that expect to increase their influence by working in new geographic vectors should take into account a development strategy in this direction. For example, it may be highly beneficial to maintain a strategy of cooperation with similar organisations in other locations. In this area, Cohan proposes to consider ‘the Cultural, Administrative, Geographic, and Economic (CAGE) framework’ that can be effective when planning business expansion (58). This strategy is efficient in organising future work in a new location as well as comparing current and later business regimes. Moreover, additional advantages appear, including an ability to compare administrative principles, determine economic differences and consider logistics.

Principles of Growth Through Geography

In the process of work, the management of a certain enterprise should take into account specific conventions that arise during the expansion of a business through geographic means. For example, it is crucial to examine the needs of a new customer base carefully so that specific products or services can achieve appropriate demand. Cohan cites in this instance T-Mobile, which has managed to attract about 1.8 million new clients by equipping new territories with wireless networks (61). In addition, as the author notes, the size of a particular organisation is a significant factor; as one example, small companies ‘must assure that the operations in their current location work flawlessly before expanding’ (Cohan 59).

Large corporations also have certain responsibilities and must take into account the relevant principles of growth. Cohan remarks that all products or services offered should be no worse than those of a firm’s competitors; otherwise, the probability of failure occurs (59). For example, Avon’s lack of success in selling its products in developing countries proves that a preliminary analysis of customer preferences is mandatory (Cohan 64).

Moreover, the author gives special recommendations to small enterprises, including advice to look for a target audience in advance in order to secure their business and not suffer losses (Cohan 60). All these principles of expanding business through working in new geographic vectors offer valuable and safe practices.

Growth Opportunities from New Products

The production or acquisition of new products as a tool for business growth and expansion can be an effective strategy when properly implemented. According to Cohan, this approach is relevant if a company follows the trends of a particular market, and consumer interest may be satisfied if the firm offers appropriate updates to its product line or services (90). The principle of introducing new products can be valuable for both small enterprises specialising in narrow-profile goods and large corporations due to the movement towards innovations.

Frameworks for Choosing Products

The frameworks for choosing manufactured or acquired goods differ in their approaches to organising the change process within a particular company. Cohan asserts that ‘identifying customers who are likely to buy the new products’ is an important growth strategy in an updated business mode (90). If the target audience is determined correctly in implementing this strategy, goods or services can be selected quickly and sold with maximum benefit. The author also notes that the framework of creating ‘rapid prototypes’ to distribute among potential consumers with an eye to receiving feedback distinguishes experienced CEOs from novice businessmen (Cohan 90). It is essential to take these implementation strategies into account when planning the transition of a particular business to a new level.

Principles of Growth Through Products

All principles of growth through producing or acquiring new goods may be divided according to the size of an enterprise. In Cohan’s view, large and successful organisations that are seeking to manufacture new products should take into account the competitive factor and thus provide high-quality services to consumers (91). For example, Amazon’s activities aimed at constant improvement of its interface have cemented their success and recognition among consumers (Cohan 92). In comparison, corporations that intend to purchase goods will find it essential to adhere to the principles of ‘industry attractiveness’, including testing the degree of integration (Cohan 91).

Small companies that intend to expand their business by way of manufacturing products should focus on the properties of specific goods to attract as many consumers as possible. Finally, for small enterprises planning to acquire products, it is crucial to calculate all costs correctly and invest only in areas that promise a guaranteed profit. If Facebook acquires Instagram, for example, it means that the company has enough funds to monitor the activities of this platform (Cohan 98). Therefore, adequate and reasonable financial decisions are key to success.

Growth Opportunities from Current or New Capabilities

Considering growth opportunities through current or new capabilities may contribute to companies’ significant growth in a competitive market environment and under conditions involving a variety of goods and services. Corporate executives can adhere to this approach to business expansion since, as Cohan argues, this method helps not only to retain customers but also to attract new clients through effective internal reorganisation (124). For instance, a target audience may perceive changes in the conditions of delivery of goods positively, potentially increasing the demand for specific goods or services. Therefore, it is vital to take such growth opportunities into account when planning business development strategies.

Frameworks for Choosing Capability-Based Growth Vectors

As a framework for choosing a growth strategy that involves current or new capabilities, Cohen proposes the ‘changing external environment’ methodology (124). This tactic of work involves various factors that can affect the success of changes, not only competitiveness and market fullness but other aspects as well. Despite the fact that capabilities usually facilitate changes within companies, these criteria influence performance results and, consequently, growth prospects. In addition, CEOs can pay attention to the ‘superior value,’ a framework that focuses on one area of work such as staff reinforcement by experienced employees (Cohan 124). However, overall improvement has a higher chance of helping an organisation expand its business opportunities.

Principles of Growth Through Capabilities

When evaluating the principles of growth through capabilities, the size of companies plays a significant role. Due to current forces, large corporations are able to transform available resources as, for instance, Apple does by investing in the production of smartphones (Cohan 126). Small organisations can find niches in the market environment due to their unique and non-standard services. Through engaging new opportunities, Cohan considers that large enterprises like Netflix, for example, can acquire technologies from partners and implement them in their own industry, while small firms should establish appropriate contacts (126). These principles should be considered when planning business growth through capabilities.

Important Ideas

Based on the growth opportunities considered, several significant aspects are worth noting. In particular, the size of organisations plays an essential role in planning the expansion and improvement of a particular business. Furthermore, the degree of integration of new strategies depends on the preparedness of the enterprise’s management and the competence of a firm’s governing board. Finally, opportunities for growth may imply engaging different methods, each having unique features and nuances.


Development strategies aimed at the growth and expansion of a specific business can be implemented through various methods. Among the criteria that may be included in the scope of changes, new geographies, products and capabilities bear mentioning. Using corresponding approaches should be accompanied by planning the possible outcomes of innovations and studying the features of new steps in the context of enterprises’ business activities.

Work Cited

Cohan, Peter S. Disciplined Growth Strategies: Insights from the Growth Trajectories of Successful and Unsuccessful Companies. Apress, 2017.

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