Discovery Learning Method: Critical Thinking Skills

The learning process heavily depends on firsthand experience. A discovery learning method is a form of learning that encourages participation rather than passive consumption of information. To successfully implement the discovery learning method across all grade levels, teachers must be adaptable and well-prepared, organized, and aware of the educational value of what students learn in class and how it might inspire further research on their part. Teachers need to provide students with the chance to apply what they have learned in context by including serious games and branching scenarios that put their skills to the test. This will help teachers implement the discovery learning method effectively at all levels. Regardless of grade, anyone who desires to participate in these activities should be able to.

Teachers can utilize debates to incorporate discovery learning across all grade levels, and a well-written motion can help to start a lively discussion among students of various grade levels. They will have the chance to compare ideas, assess their cognitions, and spot limiting beliefs as a result (Mu’affifah & Prasetyo, 2018). Teachers can also incorporate discovery learning at all levels by introducing real-world scenarios and challenging curriculum subjects in all grades. Giving students a problem they can relate to will help them apply their knowledge in real life, which is the whole point of discovery learning. Students typically can explore every facet of a problem and evaluate potential outcomes, and they tend to be more engaged when the discovery learning method is used in classrooms. Because they are actively involved in the learning process rather than simply being spectators, students tend to be more on task when the discovery learning method is implemented in schools. Overall, teachers must use creativity, mobility, and ingenuity to successfully implement the discovery learning method across all grade levels.


Mu’affifah, A., & Prasetyo, K. (2018). The effect of Discovery Learning method towards students’ learning outcomes and Critical Thinking Skills in primary school. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018). Web.

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