Discussion: Diabetes in the United States

Diabetes is among the most prevalent conditions affecting millions of people in the United States. According to the CDC (n.d.), “37.3 million Americans—about 1 in 10—have diabetes” (para. 8). There are significant racial disparities when it comes to diabetes. This condition is more prevalent and likely to occur in some groups than others. Some ethnicities’ statistics show that there is a prevalence and incidence of diabetes across the United States for some populations. For example, diabetes is more prevalent in African American and Hispanic people than in white populations. Hence, diabetes incidence rates are higher for African Americans than for whites (CDC, n.d.). More specifically, the statistics are as follows: “prevalence of diagnosed diabetes was highest among American Indians/Alaska Natives (14.7%), people of Hispanic origin (12.5%), and non-Hispanic, Black Americans, (11.7%)” (CDC, n.d., para. 15). Hence, racial minorities are more severely impacted than other groups of people.

Approximately 281,000 or 12.4% of the population aged between 18 and 40, have diabetes in Nevada (American Diabetes Association, n.d.). Food deserts are areas where individuals have insufficient access to nutritious and inexpensive food. This might be due to a limited income or the need to go further to locate healthy food alternatives. The issues with low income and poor public transportation in the cities such as New York affect the ability of people to get affordable and quality food. Moreover, the risk of having diabetes increases based on the education level of the person. Diabetes diagnoses are more common in individuals who have completed high school or earned a GED, or have some college education than in those who hold a bachelor’s degree or higher.


American Diabetes Association. (n.d.). The burden of diabetes in Nevada. Web.

CDC. (n.d.). The facts, stats, and impacts of diabetes. Web.

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