Discussion: Native Unisex Deodorant

Native is a skincare company that provides products that are vegan and cruelty-free. One of their products that I use on a regular basis is Native Unisex Deodorant. This product has a sufficient competitive advantage that it has gained by being non-gender specific (“Deodorant – Native,” n.d). It can cater to men, women, and those who do not adhere to gender dynamics. In addition, being vegan and cruelty-free with an affordable price tag puts it in a favorable position among competitors.

The competitive advantage of this product stems from both its relevancy and defensibility. The current skincare and makeup market has a great emphasis on sustainable, vegan, and cruelty-free brands, which plays into Native’s relevancy. The defensibility of the product stems from its gender-neutral and, therefore, timeless appeal.

If a competitor aims to enter the same market as Native Unisex Deodorant, it needs to be wary of certain barriers. First, it needs to consider the advantages that pre-established brands have. Second, cruelty free and vegan products tend to be high on the price scale, which might lead to the product’s low demand. The value provided to customers lies in supporting a sustainable business, feeling good about their choices, and receiving a product that does not conform to any specific gender.

In conclusion, Native Unisex Deodorant is a product that is capable of holding its own in the highly competitive skincare market. Its appeal and profitability strength lies in its wide range of customers that have use for it and relatively low cost. As mentioned previously, competition in this market is intense; therefore, a company entering this sphere of business needs to pay attention to many factors.


Deodorant – Native (n.d). Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Discussion: Native Unisex Deodorant." April 11, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/discussion-native-unisex-deodorant/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Discussion: Native Unisex Deodorant." April 11, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/discussion-native-unisex-deodorant/.

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