Google’s Recruitment Strategy: Analysis

Creating and maintaining a viable recruitment strategy is essential for any organization seeking to advance in the present-day economic environment. The development of a function recruitment approach is particularly crucial for a company such as Google, which works in a highly competitive setting and must address a range of obstacles (Kim, 2020). However, due to its rigid approach to recruitment, specifically, the framework that infamously lacks flexibility, the organization has been failing in the specified department.

Specifically, the fact that the current approach to recruitment at Google consists of sending its applicants a massive amount of information regarding the company and conducting an interview that, in essence, assesses their understanding of the provided data indicates that Google is incapable of recognizing the needs of specific populations, such as differently-abled people (Kramer, 2021). Moreover, the current approach suggests that the organization does not seek to explore the unique characteristics of its applicants but, instead, strives to enforce its rigid principles and standards at the very beginning of its relationships with its potential staff. The specified course of action appears to be especially unreasonable in the present-day context of high diversity (Eggers, 2020). Thus, Google will need to change its current framework to increase its recruitment rates.

Due to the absence of flexibility and the inability to adjust to the specific needs and requirements of applicants, Google’s recruitment framework has gained notoriety and led to an array of potentially highly valuable candidates being rejected. The described problem indicates that Google should focus on shaping its recruitment process so that it can encompass a broad range of the target demographic. Thus, google will be able to recruit highly qualified experts.


Eggers, F. (2020). Masters of disasters? Challenges and opportunities for SMEs in times of crisis. Journal of business Research, 116, 199-208. Web.

Kim, H. (2020). The analysis of innovation management in Google. Journal of Economics and Management Sciences, 3(4), 1-10.

Kramer, A. (2021). Google’s recruiting system is famously brutal. Many workers think it’s also failing. Protocol. Web.

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