Discussion of Ming Dynasty History

The economic growth promoted by the Ming dynasty was accompanied by significant challenges on the way. They were presented by the incompetence of the emperors reflected in financial problems, which led to a greater burden for officials and the failure to address all tasks (History.com Editors, 2018). As a result, the decline of their government was conditional upon the scarcity of resources in the absence of means for finding support.

Ming officials managed the government instead of the emperors by focusing on military campaigns in the first place. Their participation was primarily focused on the attempts to defend the borders, including the construction of the Great Wall (History.com Editors, 2018). However, the expenses of the military authorities were insufficient for maintaining financial progress made by expanding trade (History.com Editors, 2018). Hence, their campaigns only exacerbated the problem developing over centuries.

Consequently, the ultimate decline of the Ming dynasty can be seen through the lens of the problems discussed above. The inefficient policies were complemented by the fact that the emperors could not pay the officials for their service, and agricultural crises only worsened the situation (History.com Editors, 2018). The multi-faceted nature of the issues related to numerous fields and disrupting the activity explains why the political course suitable for gaining power was not enough for maintaining it.

In conclusion, the Ming officials developed military operations while emperors were not involved in the process due to their lack of knowledge and expertise in the matter. This practice happened to be detrimental to the internal affairs of the country and contributed to its decline. In this way, the change in the political structure of the government was conditional upon the orientation on one field while neglecting other needs of the citizens.


History.com Editors. (2018). Ming dynasty. History. Web.

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