Discussion: The Help as a Second Chance

Life difficulties arise for every person, and some people, to forget the problem, are exposed to alcohol and drug addiction. However, some people become addicted to alcohol and drugs due to their interests and those around them. Despite the causes of addiction, everyone deserves to get rid of these problems and have support and a second chance to improve their lives. Such support is given by the company Faces and Voices of Recovery, which provides financial and medical assistance to people suffering from alcohol and drug addiction. This organization was established in 2001 and is managed by 21 members of the Board of Directors. An impressive number of Americans, 23 million, are under the supervision of this organization (Faces & Voices of Recovery, 2022). It indicates the scale of the Faces and Voices of Recovery organization. A person’s age, gender, or race is not essential for the company. The organization is always ready to help those in need.

Under the management of the board of directors, the work plan and their services are essential to optimize the work. Therefore, the company is divided into smaller organizations that deal with specific benefits of the company. An advocacy, research, and innovation program is being developed to develop new laws and policies on treating people suffering from drug addiction and alcoholism. The social part of the services is handled by the Association of Public Organizations for Restoration. They create a network of support groups and qualified medical care. In addition, there is a Council for the Accreditation of Peer Recovery Support Services, which is engaged in creating various local organizations to combat addiction. Moreover, it helps to employ employees in such organizations. The company also considers the importance of education in the fight against alcohol and drug addiction. Therefore, an institute was founded to optimize the work where qualified employees in medicine, psychology, and sociology are trained. Cloud-based software is used for tracking, which is handled by the Data Recovery Platform service (Faces & Voices of Recovery, 2022). Various events and training are held that allow you to spread the necessary information in the fight against addiction. It means that the company is trying to improve its services and make sure its help is available to everyone in need.


Faces & Voices of Recovery. (2022). Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Discussion: The Help as a Second Chance." August 25, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/discussion-the-help-as-a-second-chance/.


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