Diversity and Equality in Nursing

The issues related to diversity and equality in nursing are still pressing and have diverse effects on the development of the healthcare system. This post highlights some of the most urgent aspects of the problem that are related to the workforce. Medical staff is still prone to discrimination and underrepresentation, although the corresponding legislation has been in place for decades (Brathwaite, 2020).

The theories mentioned in the post can serve as a sound background for the research aimed at exploring the cultural dynamics in nursing practice. Critical race theory is specifically helpful as it concentrates on social structures and diverse elements of race and racism. At that, it can be even more effective to narrow down the research and explore the experiences of a particular population within a larger racial community. It is possible to consider African American male nurses’ experiences or choose another cohort. This narrow focus can be instrumental in implementing an in-depth analysis of the issue.

The application of the theory of the four meta paradigms to the research of human resources in healthcare can shed light on diverse issues in the field. The use of the four paradigms to explore the peculiarities of hiring and recruitment (as well as retention) practices of a minority group can help researchers to identify the way discriminatory practices impact nursing practice. The way the four aspects of care affect the nursing staff’s development can be instrumental in developing effective strategies to address inequality. One of the areas to consider can be cross-functional collaboration and the involvement of communities (Wadsworth et al., 2020). These social structures are important components that remain neglected in various contexts but can help in crafting proper collaborative environments that diminish discrimination in the healthcare setting.


Brathwaite, B. (2020). Diversity and cultural concepts of health. In B. Brathwaite (Ed.), Diversity and cultural awareness in nursing practice (pp. 21-43). Sage Publishing.

Wadsworth, B., Onyekere, C., Smith, K. F., Ross, S., Roberts, S., Larson, S., & Mann, B. D. (2020). A health system’s interprofessional approach to impact health equity. In M. P. Moss & J. Phillips (Eds.), Health equity and nursing: Achieving equity through policy, population health, and interprofessional collaboration (pp. 219-243). Sage Publishing.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Diversity and Equality in Nursing." November 21, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/diversity-and-equality-in-nursing/.


StudyCorgi. "Diversity and Equality in Nursing." November 21, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/diversity-and-equality-in-nursing/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Diversity and Equality in Nursing." November 21, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/diversity-and-equality-in-nursing/.

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