Diversity in Families, Cultures, and Schools


Diversity creates an environment where people of different backgrounds constantly interact, which results in constant exposure to new ideas. Diversity at the family level comes in different ways, such as having foster children or members of different races. Since family is the primary social unit where members interact close, it significantly influences the child’s development and behavior. From the family level, the child starts to interact with a society where they are exposed to different cultures and ethnic groups. On the other hand, schools are all about learning. They create a conducive environment where peers from different locations, religions, and upbringings acquire knowledge. According to Ainscow (2016), diversity in schools allows learners to grow and become more open-minded thinkers. Families, cultures, and learning institutions that value all their members will offer the necessary support to their members with disabilities to ensure they access quality education.

Understanding The Development and Differences of Each Individual Student

Understanding the development and differences of individual students facilitates a collaborative and close relationship between the teacher and the learner. From the Christian viewpoint, the Bible has high regard for human dignity, and it states that all humans are created in God’s image. The “Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work” urges individuals to regard their career choices as a calling from God to optimize performance (Buszka & Ewest, 2020). By observing these vital Christian teachings, educators gain the values of understanding, wisdom, patience, and empathy when dealing with learners with diverse special needs. Understanding their unique differences and treating them with dignity makes the learners feel appreciated, valued, and comfortable, enabling them to work hard to achieve their full potential.

Collaborating with Other Members of The IEP Team and Parents/Guardians

The diverse settings that a child with disabilities finds themselves in require the attention of all stakeholders to ensure the welfare of the child are taken care of. Students with disabilities have Individual Educational Programs (IEPs) with goals written to help them improve their weaker skills or behaviors. This coordination among players ensures that their teacher of record (TOR) helps them write their IEP yearly, checks on their progress regularly, and sends home progress reports every grading period. Teachers should also keep in touch with the parents to be aware of the ups and downs of the learners educationally and socially. Collaboration ensures that all the necessary resources are availed to facilitate uninterrupted learning of the child with disabilities.

Data and Information to Be Used in the Development of the Student’s IEP

Four essential items can be considered in developing a student’s IEP. The first is the student’s strengths, which can form the framework for building new behaviors and skills. The recent evaluation results can form the second data item to be used by the IEP team. Thirdly, information regarding the child’s functional, developmental, and academic needs is essential in developing this educational program. The IEP team can use the results of district-wide and state assessments and recent educational report cards. The fourth set of information required are special factors of the child, such as English skills, hearing and seeing abilities, and whether their behavior affects other learners or not. Additional information about the student can be obtained depending on the nature of and level of their disability.

Participation in Professional Development and Learning Activities

Attending and participating in professional development activities is an indication that the teacher wants to be up-to-date on the emerging technology tools for the classroom, new curriculum resources, and generally improving the learning experience of students. Participating in learning activities also equips the teacher with new knowledge about student behavior, learning, and home life trends (Brown et al., 2018). For example, teachers in the local district can attend workshops training them on how to use EpiPens to save the lives of students who have severe allergies, such as peanuts. Essentially, teachers who participate in professional development activities are better equipped to handle the dynamic needs of students with disabilities.


Ainscow, M. (2016). Collaboration as a strategy for promoting equity in education: possibilities and barriers. Journal of Professional capital and community. Web.

Brown, B. D., Horn, R. S., & King, G. (2018). The effective implementation of professional learning communities. Alabama Journal of Educational Leadership, 5, 53-59.

Buszka, S. G., & Ewest, T. (2020). Benefits of Faith and Work Integration. In Integrating Christian Faith and Work (pp. 85-111). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "Diversity in Families, Cultures, and Schools." December 12, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/diversity-in-families-cultures-and-schools/.

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