Diversity and Inclusion: Addressing Minority Representation and Engagement


The current demographic trends in America have set new standards for greater diversity. Consequently, critical disturbing social changes have been cited as challenges ahead. The melting pot concept of America is now being replaced with the ‘mosaic society’ to reflect changes brought about by a diverse society in the US (Jonas 1). One must appreciate multiple dimensions of diversity in America today. Diversity has been attributed to multiple factors, including gender, race, religious beliefs, parental status, age, education level or school admission, income, ethnicity, physical and mental abilities, occupation, cultures, location, and sexual orientation among others (Ingram 4).

This implies that diversity affects everyone in society. However, some elements of diversity are more prominent than others are. When differences among individuals, especially the minority, are equated to insufficiency, then America begins to face social challenges related to inclusion. As such, the topic of diversity and social inclusion is extremely important for exploration to determine how minorities are impacted in an increasingly diverse society.


Given the diverse demographic composition in the US today, the issue now is how to address diversity and enhance social inclusion (DiversityInc 1). Indeed, in some instances, social inclusion has been pursued to enhance equality. The major issue for policymakers and other interested groups is, therefore, to determine the best ways to detach the idea of social inclusion from the ideal realm of a perfect society to create a useful model that can advance convincing social policies to create an inclusive society. As such, any meaningful change will ultimately need a paradigm shift to appreciate the value, dignity, and relevance of every individual.

No persons should be subjected to a miserable life or be marginalized because of their diversity-related issues (Cáceres, Aggleton, and Galea S45). To this end, addressing diversity by advancing social inclusion can enhance sustainable human development and realization of human worth (Martin and Bernstein 28). An inclusive society accounts for diversity. It recognizes individual worth, rights, responsibilities, and roles, which reflect respect for humans and appreciate fundamental rights and freedoms, religious and cultural diversity, the rule of law, needs of marginalized persons, social justice, and democratic processes.

An inclusive society advances social policies that strive to lessen inequality, lead to a more accommodative society that is tolerant, and embrace diversity among individuals. While a socially inclusive society may operate at different levels, an integrated society creates a stable place for everyone. Thus, social integration and inclusion are generally accepted and promoted. Socially integrated society does not imply homogeneity among individuals. Instead, it reflects a society that accommodates diversity while advancing social human development.

Diversity and minority issues can be better understood if various dimensions of diversity are addressed while focusing on factors that promote an inclusive society and demonstrating why such society is relevant (The Center for Social Inclusion 5-15).

Respect for individuals’ rights and social, economic, and cultural rights remain vital for diversity and inclusion. By addressing diversity issues that lead to the alienation of minorities, America can create an inclusive society that values human advancement and individual worth. This process requires the involvement of all stakeholders to contribute toward the management and representation of their society. Diviserty issues relate to major chapters in class because they reflect current social challenges that America is facing. Hence, diversity and minorities have become core areas of concern for policymakers and researchers.

DiversityInc site strives to present various current aspects of diversity. However, it is observed that diversity and related issues are so wide that the site can hardly account for all of them. Hence, DiversityInc is suitable as an introductory site for learners keen on having basic backgrounds about American politics.

Works Cited

Cáceres, Carlos F., Peter Aggleton, and Jerome T. Galea. “Sexual Diversity, Social Inclusion and HIV/AIDS.” AIDS 22.Suppl 2 (2008): S45–S55. Print.

DiversityInc. Diversity Facts. 2016. Web.

Ingram, Patreese D. An Overview of Diversity Awareness. Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State, 2001. Print.

Jonas, Michael. “The Downside of Diversity.” The Boston Globe. 2007. Web.

Martin, Susan and Hamutal Bernstein. Migration: Ensuring Access, Dignity, Respect for Diversity and Social Inclusion. Geneva: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 2001. Print.

The Center for Social Inclusion. Thinking Change: Race, Framing and the Public Conversation on Diversity. New York, NY: The Center for Social Inclusion, 2005. Print.

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StudyCorgi. "Diversity and Inclusion: Addressing Minority Representation and Engagement." November 8, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/diversity-inclusion-and-minorities/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Diversity and Inclusion: Addressing Minority Representation and Engagement." November 8, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/diversity-inclusion-and-minorities/.

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