Diversity and Inclusion in Business

Article Overview

The article by Bryan Robinson entitled “5 Ways HR Can Work With Companies To Prioritize Workplace Diversity And Inclusion” was written comparatively recently, on Jun 2, 2022. It was published in Forbes magazine and is available online at the following link www.forbes.com. Diversity and inclusion are two critical topics that are relevant to the present day business world, which emphasizes the importance of investigating into these issues.

The topic of diversity and inclusion should be discussed from all possible perspectives, including the employee, employer, and the business world in general. It gives the HR specialist a holistic understanding of the issue because otherwise, it is easy to disregard the critical details in discussing these questions. Moreover, the absence of a holistic view of the hiring process leads to controversies in the work of the HR department. For example, as the article’s author claims, when all employees in the company are young white and middle-aged males without disabilities, the existing controversy and injustice are evident (Robinson, 2022). Not all candidates for a particular job may belong to the dominant and privileged social group. In this case, the HR specialists are biased in their evaluation of the potential employees, which makes the organization opposite to the principles of social justice. Therefore, inclusion and diversity are two significant issues that HR specialists should use to create a team.


From the point of view of the employee, diversity and inclusion make the workplace a better environment that understands the differences every individual has. As a result, the employee can expect that their distinct characteristics will not make them outcasts in the community of co-workers. Acceptance is a significant aspect connected with diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and it creates a good atmosphere at the workplace (Robinson, 2022). Those employees who understand that the team and the company’s leaders support their initiatives for professional and business development tend to work harder and have a proactive position (Robinson, 2022). In other words, inclusion and diversity create a supportive and friendly environment in the workplace for all employees, which motivates them to make more efforts. These decisions, in turn, improve the company’s business performance and lead to its development. As a result, HR specialists should support implementing diversity and inclusion trends in the organization.

From the employer’s perspective, a company that embraces diversity and inclusion allows the employees to show their unique traits and characteristics, positively affecting the overall business performance. Every person has a unique individual background connected with their approach to completing work tasks and interacting with other people (Robinson, 2022). These aspects enrich the company’s business performance and enhance its stability because unique people can share their potential and energy with the organization. Therefore, it is logical for the employer to support a friendly environment at the workplace that welcomes diversity and inclusion of people of all backgrounds because it improves business performance.

From the point of view of business in general, a company that embraces diversity and inclusion develops in a good way, paying attention to the things that are regarded as critical in contemporary culture. It enhances the trend for diversity and inclusion in the corporate culture, which influences the environment in business in general and in every company in particular. Inclusion and diversity can become significant organizational trends that determine the functioning of the company and its strategic development, as Robinson (2022) writes. In other words, these views on the company’s strategic development contribute to the reforms within the organization and the general business industry. In the long-term perspective, it might lead to changes in the culture’s popular attitudes because people tend to acquire new views and perspectives that are implemented on all social levels. As a result, the society might become more tolerant of human differences, inclusive, and diverse, which enriches the country.

The text written by Robinson focuses on the importance of applying the principles of diversity and inclusion in the organization. These issues are among the priorities for HR specialists because they ensure that the company will develop optimally. The discussed article relates to the business world from the perspective of the employee, the employer, and business in general, which makes it the point of precise attention. Without creating the appropriate atmosphere in the company that supports diversity and promotes the inclusion of different people, the organization does not develop as actively as it could. The employees might feel that the company restricts them, and they might not articulate the ideas that might revolutionize the organization’s performance. The employer who embraces inclusion and diversity has the opportunity to hire people with different views on the organization’s work, which is the means of finding optimal solutions in business matters. Business, in general that works according to the principles of diversity and inclusion corresponds to the existing cultural trends and enhances their popularity among people. In addition, the company attempts to make society more equal and inclusive, which is a positive trend.


Robinson, B. (2022). 5 ways HR can work with companies to prioritize workplace diversity and inclusion. Forbes. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Diversity and Inclusion in Business." August 17, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/diversity-and-inclusion-in-business/.


StudyCorgi. "Diversity and Inclusion in Business." August 17, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/diversity-and-inclusion-in-business/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Diversity and Inclusion in Business." August 17, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/diversity-and-inclusion-in-business/.

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