Domestic Difficulties and Their Influence on Early Sexual Debut


The periodical that I have chosen for my abstract submission is called the International Journal of Research in Nursing. It is a peer-reviewed nursing journal providing the new authors with the possibility to extend the knowledge about the modern approaches to nursing practice. It encourages new authors to submit their abstracts describing their original research. The topics of the articles published in the journal are quite diverse as it enriches the knowledge concerning both theoretical and practical aspects of nursing (International Journal of Research in Nursing, 2016). My project that is called Domestic Difficulties as a Factor Influencing Early Sexual Debut of Teenage Girls will be relevant for the journal.

The periodical recommends new authors review the guidelines for writing an abstract before submitting their works. The process of manuscript preparation and submission is described in great detail. The abstract should contain the problem statement, methods of research, and the list of main findings (Manuscript Preparation, 2016). The main requirements state that the abstract should be short but informative. The results can be represented with help of tables, graphs, and diagrams.


Regarding the guidelines that were mentioned above, the abstract was composed accordingly.

Project title: Domestic Difficulties as a Factor Influencing Early Sexual Debut of Teenage Girls.

Problem statement: Teenagers’ relationships with their parents belong to several factors that influence their relationships with people of the opposite sex. Nowadays, it is not clear if domestic difficulties belong to the primary reasons that make girls have earlier initiation of sex. Establishing the connection between difficulties in relationships with parents and an earlier sexual debut is the problem touched upon in the present research.

The purpose of the present research project is to find out the correlation between teenage girls’ sexual activity and their domestic difficulties.

The research aims to enrich the knowledge about the approaches that can be used during the work with troubled teenagers. To reach the goal, the following objectives should be accomplished: exploring the way that domestic difficulties influence teenage girls’ relationships with boys, and interviewing them about the reasons for their early sexual initiation.

Question: Do problems with parents belong to the primary reasons for teenage girls’ early sexual debut?

Hypothesis: Domestic difficulties cause early initiation of the sex of many girls. Being deprived of parental love and attention, many teenage girls try to offset the lack of trust in their parents by having romantic relationships with boys.

Methodology: Mixed methods were used during the present research. Female students of the high schools were surveyed confidentially about the age of their sexual debut. Those who chose the age of 13-15 years were further asked to analyze the factors that influenced their decision to start having sexual relationships.

Implementation steps: 250 female students of high schools from 16 to 18 years old were surveyed; 74 of them reported to have had a sexual debut at the age of 13-15 years old. Then, these girls were proposed to reveal the main reason for such an early experience.

Results: The analysis of the answers revealed that the majority (44%) of girls attributed their early sexual experience to the lack of parental love and the desire to pay back their parents for their inattentiveness; 33% attributed it to their curiosity and inadvertence, and 23% claimed it to have been caused by their deep emotional attachment to a partner.

Conclusion: The initial hypothesis of the research was affirmed. By the results, the majority of girls who had early sexual debut believe it to have been influenced by strained relationships with their parents.

​Relevance to clinical practice

The research can be helpful for the practitioners working with troubled female teenagers as it proves that the reason teenagers’ indiscreet behavior is connected to domestic difficulties.


International Journal of Research in Nursing. (2016). Web.

Manuscript Preparation. (2016). Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, March 19). Domestic Difficulties and Their Influence on Early Sexual Debut.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Domestic Difficulties and Their Influence on Early Sexual Debut." March 19, 2021.


StudyCorgi. "Domestic Difficulties and Their Influence on Early Sexual Debut." March 19, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Domestic Difficulties and Their Influence on Early Sexual Debut." March 19, 2021.

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