Door-to-Balloon Time Minimization Project

Purpose of the Project

Since cardiovascular diseases are statistically the main causes of mortality among American patients, it is crucial to target available resources towards eliminating the issue and ensuring better patient outcomes. Thus, the purpose of the project is the improvement of quality through the implementation of a strategy that will decrease Kendall Regional Medical Center’s door-to-balloon (D2B) time to 45 minutes. The term cardiologists use to describe a classic heart attack is segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). A decrease of D2B time for STEMI patients is needed to minimize possible complications and risks that may lead to adverse outcomes in cases of emergency.

Data Collection and Display Tools

Data collection is considered one of the most important steps in quality-improvement projects since it gives information about different stages of implementation and shows progress. For primary evaluation, data were collected through individual chart reviews, the Action Registry, eligible reports, and articles, as well as monthly questionnaires conducted with the medical staff and patients. The data collection process was supported by information technology representatives and informatics specialists who will also invest in developing innovative methods of data collection for improving the work of Kendall Regional Medical Center shortly. Data display tools included graphs, charts, diagrams, and other aids for better visualization of relevant information. It proved to be effective to distribute visual material among patients and staff members to share the progress of the project implementation.

Quality Milestones, the Role of IT, Internal and External Benchmarking

  • The reduction of D2B time to 45 minutes was the final quality milestone that should have been achieved after the implementation of the project. This means that the quality milestones were measured throughout the project to see whether the D2B time reduced after the introduction of the quality improvement measures.
  • Information technologies played a significant role in quality improvement during the project implementation as well as aiding the evaluation of results. Nurses and practitioners were equipped with Electronic Health Records and tablets for a quicker exchange of patient information, the examination of health history, and making effective decisions in specific situations.
  • Internal benchmarking involved comparing best practices for the reduction of D2B time in Kendall Regional Medical Center with the results of Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami and exploring the interventions both facilities implement for better patient outcomes. External benchmarking involved the comparison of statistical data for both facilities to evaluate whether the best practices reduce D2B time and whether the overall health indicators improve.

Project Timeframe and Key Players

The timeframe of the quality improvement project encompasses 24 weeks (six full months) during which the D2B time in Kendall Regional Medical Center should be reduced to 45 minutes.

  • The planning for the project was conducted during the first three weeks while the application and the distribution of resources were conducted between weeks 2-10.
  • Weeks 2-6 were dedicated to workforce training while process change activities were implemented during weeks 4-24.
  • Communication of the progress and team meetings were conducted weekly, as was change management introduction (weeks 1-24).
  • The evaluation of results initially took place at five-week intervals (weeks 5, 10, 15, and 24).

Key players of the quality improvement project were included in the interdisciplinary team of professionals that have a significant impact on the provision of quality care services, namely, the nurse, acute care nurse, cardiologist, HR manager, and quality control manager.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, September 17). Door-to-Balloon Time Minimization Project.

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StudyCorgi. "Door-to-Balloon Time Minimization Project." September 17, 2020.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Door-to-Balloon Time Minimization Project." September 17, 2020.

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