Data Collection for Reducing D2B Time in STEMI Patients

An interview with an IT representative helped explore the existing variety of different types of data collection and reporting tools that are available to be used by nurse leaders to clarify and comprehend quality performance process parameters. At the beginning of the conversation, it became clear that today’s healthcare organizations are faced with several requirements for data collection and reporting in dealing with STEMI patients and trying to reduce D2B time (Wilson et al., 2013).

The reasons for such disparate opportunities include the existing variations in measurements, lost opportunities, and unpredicted costs. However, data management plays an essential part in quality improvement and cannot be neglected. Therefore, the quality improvement team has to develop a detailed plan for data collection to avoid wasted efforts and unnecessary losses (Scholz et al., 2012). Within the realm of health care, it is not enough to gather important information. It is necessary to report the facts to consumers, medical workers, and other stakeholders to grow opportunities and improve possible outcomes.

The interviewee admitted that data collection is one of the main steps that should be taken in seeking to deduce if a reduction in D2B time among STEMI patients is possible. Other steps include changes in the flow of care, properly developed communications, and the activation of a cardiac catheterization team (Ellahham, Aljabbari, Mananghaya, Raji, & Zubai, 2015). There are many ways to collect data in this quality improvement process, including individual chart reviews and the ACTION Registry – GWTG program (Dasari et al., 2014), evaluation of eligible articles and reports (Foo, Reidpath, & Chaiykunapruk, 2016) and monthly questionnaires for patients and medical staff.

Individual chart reviews and the GWTG program have served to introduce the ACTION Registry that is used in hospitals as an effective data collection method. It also helps to evaluate the information taken from the American Heart Association Mission Lifeline program (Dasari et al., 2014). This method aims at gathering such information as medical history, hospital care, and the outcomes STEMI patients achieve after they contact a hospital online.

Evaluation of existing articles and reports is another method of gathering information that healthcare organizations may use. Data on race, ethnicity, and languages used by patients may be found (Sarkies et al., 2015). It is necessary to divide this type of information according to the existing levels and clarify what type is appropriate to be used in particular situations. For example, there is a level of individual data when the information is taken from the patients’ medical reports. Data gathered from such reports has to be checked by experts and reported properly. There is also a provider level in terms of collecting and gathering information where information from the reports of physician practice hospitals is used. As a further consideration, the information may be divided into state, multi-state, and national levels with regards to the system used for gathering the information.

Finally, it is always possible to communicate with patients and find out what they think about quality performance process parameters. As a rule, specialists try to develop specialized questionnaires and lead patients to focus on certain aspects of the work of a hospital.

In general, the evaluation of the existing methods of gathering information proves that healthcare organizations face certain weaknesses and challenges. Therefore, IT representatives, as well as nurse informatics specialists, will continue developing new effective methods of data collection to improve hospitals’ work.


Dasari, T.W., Roe, M.T., Chen, A.Y., Peterson, E.D., Giugliano, R.P., Fonarow, G.C., & Saucedo, J.F. (2014). Impact of time of presentation on process performance and outcomes in ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction: A report from the American heart association: Mission Lifeline program. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, 7, 656-663.

Ellahham, S., Aljabbari, S., Mananghaya, H., Raji, J., & Zubai, A. (2015). Reducing door-to-balloon time for acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction in primary percutaneous intervention: Transformation using robust performance improvement. BMJ Quality Improvement Reports, 8(4), 1-4. Web.

Foo, C.Y., Reidpath, D.D., & Chaiykunapruk, N. (2016). The effect of door-to-balloon delay in primary percutaneous coronary intervention on clinical outcomes of STEMI: A systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. Systematic Review, 5, 130. Web.

Sarkies, M.N., Bowles, K.A., Skinner, E.H., Mitchell, D., Hass, R., Salter, K.,… Haines, T.P. (2015). Data collection methods in health services research: Hospital length of stay and discharge destination. Applied of Clinical Informatics, 6(1), 96-109.

Scholz, K.H., Maier, S.K.G., Jung, J., Fleischmann, C., Werner, G.S., Olbrich, H.G.,… Maier, L.S. (2012). Reduction in treatment times through formalized data feedback: Results from a prospective multicenter study of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions, 5(8), 848-857.

Wilson, B. H., Humphrey, A. D., Cedarholm, J. C., Downey, W. E., Haber, R. H., Kowalchuk, G. J., & Garvey, L. (2013). Achieving sustainable first door-to-balloon times of 90 minutes for regional transfer ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Journal of American Cardiovascular Interventions, 6(10), 1064-1071.

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