There is an old axiom which says that good quality education is the key to a successful and fulfilling life. This axiom could never be further from the truth, especially now in the 21st century when competition for existing career positions is increasingly high.
The intense competition has triggered a paradigm shift in the way employers apportion the few job vacancies available, from family and ethnic considerations to a ‘winner-takes-all’ or merit-based approach. Consequently, the role of good education in securing the future has intensified. In this paper, I attempt to describe my personal circumstances and how good quality education is expected to make a difference in the quality of my life in the future.
Personal circumstances are basically unforeseen incidences that are beyond the control of the student affected, implying that they can seriously hamper the studies and educational progression of such a student. At a personal level, I am not aware of any personal circumstances that may hamper my studies and progression in the institution.
However, it might be plausible to note that some circumstances such as sudden acute illnesses and close personal bereavement do occur without prior knowledge and can affect anyone, thus the need to suggest that such incidences will be effectively dealt with if and when they occur. It is my considered submission that students with personal circumstances should contact their respective student advisors much earlier for corrective actions to be initiated.
Moving on to the education domain, it is evident that education impacts the quality of life of individuals in varied and multifaceted ways. In contemporary society, a lack of basic education is almost synonymous to a life without a future. Having secured my basic education, I am now in the process of furthering my studies to ensure that my future will be fully secured.
It is basic knowledge that a good educational background is a ticket to a fulfilling and well-paying career in the public service or the corporate world. There exists a positive correlation between good quality education and a better career in the future. Consequently, a better career is one of the surest ways that can be used to guarantee the satisfactory quality of life owing to the fact careers come with rewards such as pay and promotion.
It is also clear that my education will be expected to enhance my quality of life in terms of professional peers and friends that I will be interacting with in my career endeavors. Friends and peers are a good source of social support and stability, not mentioning that education will open up doors and facilitate my interaction with people of high integrity and character.
It, therefore, follows that the quality of my life will be enhanced by the network of professional peers and friends. Without education, it is difficult to meet with peers and friends who can play an active role in advancing an individual’s quality of life.
Lastly, knowledge by itself is power, implying that my progression in the education domain will act as a fulcrum in the continuum of moving from the unknown to the known.
It is my considered opinion that an enlightened individual will definitely have a good quality life in terms of independent decision making, knowledge of the current issues and problems within the environment, dealing with personal and family health issues, and being looked upon as a role model by the society.
These are issues that can only contribute to the enhancement of quality of life and life satisfaction, thus education is critical in having a successful and fulfilling life in the future.