Diabetes Care for Elderly: Importance of Patient Education


To improve the quality of life among elderly patients with diabetes, one must consider patient education. Particularly, nutrition-based information along with instructions for exercises must be offered together with standard treatment options. Recent research carried out by Tsai (2017) points to the fact that the enhancement of awareness among elderly patients leads to a massive rise in the efficacy of the treatment process, which means that further diabetes management programs for the elderly must incorporate the specified elements.

Why Was the Study Done?

The increase in negative patient outcomes influenced by the lack of knowledge and awareness among elderly patients with diabetes can be viewed as the primary reason for the research to have been conducted. As Tsai (2017) outlined in his paper, it is crucial to help the elderly learn to maintain their health levels at the required rate. Furthermore, it is crucial to prevent patients from making a typical mistake and leading the lifestyle that can be described as potentially harmful due to the dieting issues and the lack of physical activity.

What Is the Sample Size?

The authors of the study specified that the sample size included 169 people. The therapeutic patient education (TPE) score used in the research served as the basis for determining the sample size. The reasons for the identified number include the necessity to address the needs of patients with numerous health issues, diabetes being one of them. The sample size in question, in its turn, allowed customizing the research results to meet the needs of all groups (Tsai, 2017).

Our Instruments of the Variables in the Study Clearly Defined and Reliable?

The author detailed that the key instruments to be used in the study included interviews with the participants. Thus, an ample amount of information could be retrieved from the participants, and the foundation for making further conclusions about the efficacy of patient education could be made (Chesnay, 2014).

How Was the Data Analyzed?

A discourse analysis was used to determine the outcomes of the suggested patient education strategy. The reasons for using the specified tool included the need to explore the patients’ understanding of the subject matter. The suggested instrument, in turn, served its purpose perfectly by inviting the participants to discuss the issues that they faced in the course of the education process, as well as the effects that patient education has had on their ability to manage information independently. The method used in the research, thus, allowed exploring the problem in depth.

Were There Any Unusual Events During the Study?

The study did not feature any unusual events. TSAI (2017) planned the research very carefully and used an efficient strategy for avoiding undesirable outcomes. As a result, the outcomes of the analysis proved to be very helpful, whereas the research itself was carried out in a manner as safe for the target population as possible.

How Do the Results Fit in with Previous Research in This Area?

The results of the analysis are linked directly to previous studies conducted in the identified field. Particularly, the outcomes of the study make it evident that further enhancement of patient education must be promoted in the context of elderly patient care. Furthermore, the research outcomes provide a basis for the further exploration of the available tools for increasing patient awareness and education levels regarding the management of diabetes. The needs of elderly patients must be studied closely for the strategies to produce a positive effect.

What Are the Implications of the Research for Clinical Practice?

The results of the study by Tsai (2107) indicate that the incorporation of education-based programs for elderly patients encompassing the issues related to dieting and exercise is an essential addition to the overall treatment process. By focusing on the active promotion of awareness among the target population, one will be able to prevent the instances of health deterioration successfully. Furthermore, a gradual improvement in patient outcomes is expected.


Chesnay, M. D. Nursing Research using data analysis: Qualitative designs and methods in nursing. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

Tsai, M. H. (2017). “Have you heard of diabetes?”-The use of perspective-checking questions in creating knowledge needs in Taiwanese Health education talks for elderly lay people. Concentric: Studies in Linguistics, 43(1), 47-76. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, December 10). Diabetes Care for Elderly: Importance of Patient Education. https://studycorgi.com/education-strategies-for-elderly-patients-with-diabetes/

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StudyCorgi. (2020) 'Diabetes Care for Elderly: Importance of Patient Education'. 10 December.

1. StudyCorgi. "Diabetes Care for Elderly: Importance of Patient Education." December 10, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/education-strategies-for-elderly-patients-with-diabetes/.


StudyCorgi. "Diabetes Care for Elderly: Importance of Patient Education." December 10, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/education-strategies-for-elderly-patients-with-diabetes/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Diabetes Care for Elderly: Importance of Patient Education." December 10, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/education-strategies-for-elderly-patients-with-diabetes/.

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