Evaluating Educational Programs for Hispanic Patients with Diabetes

Introduction to Evaluation

There are different barriers to the implementation of the project that need to be considered. It is also necessary to review methods for collecting and analyzing data. However, the main goals of this paper are to provide an evaluation plan and discuss the implications for the practice and future research.

Rationale for Methods Using in Collecting Data

The research will be carried out in medical settings. It will be an evidence-based project in which two groups of diabetes Hispanic patients will be compared. The intervention group will attend diabetes management educational classes for ten weeks. The control group will receive usual care. Prior to classes, all participants will be examined in order to record their baseline characteristics by the team of doctors and nurses. The same data will be collected every four months during two years. The attendance rate for the intervention classes will also be documented. The main goal of this study is to assess the effect of educational classes on health outcomes in adult Hispanics with diabetes type two over the period of two years. Several meetings with the key members will be held in order to discuss the outcomes of the intervention. To address this problem, the PICOT question was formulated in the following way: In Hispanics aged 30 to 60 with diabetes mellitus type 2 (P), how effectively does diabetes education (I), in comparison with patients who do not have such knowledge and skills (C), improve health outcomes (O) during a 2-year time frame after being diagnosed (T)?

Outcome Measures

The assessment will be aimed at identifying the differences between the baseline characteristics and the same data collected after the intervention. The main parameter that will determine whether the educational program is effective or not is A1C (“The A1C test & diabetes,” n.d.). Other important characteristics will include blood pressure and weight. Also, it will be necessary to communicate with educators and patients to learn about their experiences.

In order to handle the collected data, SPSS Statistics software will be used (“SPSS – What is it?” n.d.). To address the goal of the project, inferential analysis will be conducted. It will help to determine the relationship between the intervention and the results. Also, it will reveal the strength of such a relationship.

Outcomes Based on Evidence

The major goal of the project is to assess the effectiveness of the designed educational program for Hispanic patients diagnosed with diabetes type 2. Both the intervention and control groups will help to determine the impact of the program on health outcomes. Also, the project will help to determine the weaknesses of the existing educational interventions for such patients and thus the areas for improvement.

Strategies for Negative Outcomes

One of the main problems related to the implementation of the project is to overcome cultural barriers. Effective communication is the key factor. Low literacy level and insufficient English skills among Hispanic patients should be taken into consideration (AADA, 2015). It is necessary to include more visuals and illustrated graphics to enhance patient understanding. Cross-cultural communication requires using different verbal and non-verbal methods to provide adequate education. It is necessary to create culturally sensitive information-sharing patterns. Therefore, educators have to be fully aware of cultural specificities of the patients. They need to acknowledge the existing socio-economic obstacles. Another important factor is motivation. Patients from this ethnic group tend to underestimate the importance of diabetes education (Hu, Amirehsani, Wallace, & Letvak, 2013). Therefore, it is necessary to address this problem during the requirement process. Patients should be explained about the nature of the disease and potential health risks. However, participants should not be overwhelmed with information. It also might discourage people from participating and following the instructions. In addition, revising the learned information is crucial for the effectiveness of the intervention as most of it is easily forgotten.

Implications for Practice and Future Research

This project allows making several important implications. First, training programs for care providers should include sections that focus on cultural differences. Effective communication is the key to improve health outcomes in Hispanic patients with diabetes. Educators and clinicians have to pay more attention to this aspect, emphasizing the importance of self-management for such patients. Second, national standards for diabetes self-management education and support should be applied at all times as they provide evidence-based assistance (“2017 National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management and Support,” 2017). These standards are relevant in both solo practice and multicenter programs. They describe practical strategies for delivering diabetes education and support. Third, there are several areas for improvements such as organizational structure and structured curriculum. Therefore, this project will provide a rationale for further research. Fourth, the key findings of this study will be used to create informative pamphlets for clinical staff that explain the difference in health outcomes between educated and non-educated patients.


In conclusion, the effectiveness of educational programs for Hispanic patients with diabetes might be still questionable in some cases. However, most programs have a positive impact on health outcomes. The findings of this study reveal that the main biomedical indicators might be improved by means of simple self-management approaches. Therefore, evaluation should be aimed at analyzing the connection between the intervention and these indicators.


AADA. (2015). Cultural considerations in diabetes education AADE practice synopsis. 

The A1C test & diabetes. (n.d.). 

Hu, J., Amirehsani, K., Wallace, D. C., & Letvak, S. (2013). Perceptions of barriers in managing diabetes: Perspectives of Hispanic immigrant patients and family members. The Diabetes Educator, 39(4), 494-503.

SPSS – What is it? (n.d.). 

2017 national standards for diabetes self-management and support. (2017). Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, December 23). Evaluating Educational Programs for Hispanic Patients with Diabetes. https://studycorgi.com/educational-programs-for-hispanic-patients-with-diabetes/

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StudyCorgi. (2020) 'Evaluating Educational Programs for Hispanic Patients with Diabetes'. 23 December.

1. StudyCorgi. "Evaluating Educational Programs for Hispanic Patients with Diabetes." December 23, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/educational-programs-for-hispanic-patients-with-diabetes/.


StudyCorgi. "Evaluating Educational Programs for Hispanic Patients with Diabetes." December 23, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/educational-programs-for-hispanic-patients-with-diabetes/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Evaluating Educational Programs for Hispanic Patients with Diabetes." December 23, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/educational-programs-for-hispanic-patients-with-diabetes/.

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