Effective RTI and MTSS Strategies for Supporting English Learners (ELL) Reading Comprehension

How RTI and MTSS Frameworks Support ELLs in Reading

RTI (Response to Intervention) and MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Support) are frameworks for identifying and supporting struggling learners. RTI/MTSS is an effective framework for providing targeted interventions to struggling students, including ELLs (English Language Learners). However, implementing RTI/MTSS in schools with a large population of ELLs can present some challenges.

One challenge is ensuring that assessments to identify struggling students are culturally and linguistically responsive. For example, assessments should consider ELLs’ cultural backgrounds and experiences to avoid bias or cultural misunderstandings. Another challenge is ensuring that interventions are appropriate for ELLs’ linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Teachers should recognize and know ELLs’ linguistic and cultural backgrounds to make appropriate instructional decisions (Breiseth, 2006). Educators must also work together to share information and develop practical strategies for supporting ELLs in content areas and language development.

One way that RTI/MTSS can be used to provide reading assistance to English Language Learners (ELLs) is through a tiered system of interventions. ELLs struggling with reading can be identified early and placed in Tier 2, receiving more targeted and intensive instruction (Ford, 2012). This can include additional small group instruction, explicit phonics instruction, or instruction focusing on building vocabulary or comprehension skills (Calderón, 2013; U.S. Department of Education, n. d.). Additionally, progress monitoring can be used to ensure that interventions are effective and adjustments can be made as needed to support the learner.

Effective Strategies for Enhancing Reading Comprehension in ELLs

One strategy to help English Language Learners with reading comprehension is to use a variety of text types and genres that are culturally relevant to the ELLs in the classroom. For example, if the class has a large population of Spanish-speaking ELLs, the teacher could provide texts in both English and Spanish that cover topics relevant to their cultural background. This can include authentic texts such as stories, news articles, or poetry. Authentic texts that reflect ELLs’ cultural and linguistic backgrounds can help ELLs make connections to their own experiences and increase their motivation to read. Providing ELLs with opportunities for independent reading in both their native language and English can help them build their reading fluency and develop their comprehension skills.

Another strategy is incorporating visual aids such as graphic organizers, pictures, or videos to support ELLs’ comprehension of text. Different visual aids and step-by-step instructions can significantly increase students’ degree of information comprehension (Nutta et al., 2020). Graphic organizers can help ELLs visually organize information, making it easier to understand and remember (Reed & Railsback, 2003).

For example, a Venn diagram could be used to compare and contrast characters in a story, or a KWL (“Know,” “Want to Know,” and “Learned”) chart could be used to activate prior knowledge and set a purpose for reading. For example, a teacher could use a storyboard or comic strip to help ELLs visualize the sequence of events in a story. Similarly, a teacher could use pictures to help ELLs understand key vocabulary words or concepts. By providing visual aids, ELLs are better able to understand and remember information from the text. Additionally, this strategy can help scaffold ELLs’ learning, providing a stepping stone to more advanced text comprehension strategies.


Breiseth, L. (2006). Reading comprehension strategies for English language learners. Colorin Colorado. Web.

Calderón, M. (2013). Reading comprehension skills for English language learners. Colorin Colorado. Web.

Ford, K. (2012). ELLs and reading fluency in English. Colorin Colorado. Web.

Nutta, J. W., Mokhtari, K., & Strebel, K. (2020). Preparing every teacher to reach English learners: A practical guide for teacher educators. Harvard Education Press.

Reed, B., & Railsback, J. (2003). Strategies and resources for mainstream teachers of English language learners. By Request Series.

U.S. Department of Education. (n. d.). Best practice for ELLs: Small­ group interventions. Reading Rockets. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2024, December 4). Effective RTI and MTSS Strategies for Supporting English Learners (ELL) Reading Comprehension. https://studycorgi.com/effective-rti-and-mtss-strategies-for-supporting-english-learners-ell-reading-comprehension/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Effective RTI and MTSS Strategies for Supporting English Learners (ELL) Reading Comprehension." December 4, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/effective-rti-and-mtss-strategies-for-supporting-english-learners-ell-reading-comprehension/.


StudyCorgi. "Effective RTI and MTSS Strategies for Supporting English Learners (ELL) Reading Comprehension." December 4, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/effective-rti-and-mtss-strategies-for-supporting-english-learners-ell-reading-comprehension/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Effective RTI and MTSS Strategies for Supporting English Learners (ELL) Reading Comprehension." December 4, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/effective-rti-and-mtss-strategies-for-supporting-english-learners-ell-reading-comprehension/.

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