El Paso Wildfire Investigation

Forest fires are an increasingly common environmental problem in various parts of the world. In particular, the Southwest United States suffers from fires that happen by accident and become a regional disaster. Research by private fire investigator Kirk Schmidt seems primitive at first glance, but it hides a full-length deductive process and scientific rationale. Thus, a combination of county and individual efforts helps identify the wildfire’s cause to inform potential legal claims.

The burnt vegetation and lifeless areas are the aftermaths of devastating wildfires in El Paso district. The correspondent describes the activities of official investigators who work on private property to identify the causes of prior events (Denver7). Grass and trees are parched, but it is material for scientific research. The plot follows Kirk Schmidt, a fire investigator who was hired to gather evidence. The specialist uses yellow, red, blue, and black sprinkler flags to indicate the direction of fire and the degree of incineration. It provides information about the catalyst and the nature of the incident, namely deliberate arson or accident. The research’s final stage is using a metal detector, a magnet, and a manual search for a catalyst such as a cigarette butt. Schmidt is not an authorized adjudicator, but a privately hired specialist’s status allows for assessing damages and advising on legal claims.

The outbreak of forest fires not only harms the environment but also threatens the destruction of individual property. District specialists conduct a full-scale deductive study of soil and burnt vegetation. However, their efforts are complemented by those of private investigators such as Kirk Schmidt. The man uses flags of different colors, tools for finding metals, and visual exploration of the territory. This approach allows examining the direction vector of the fire and establishing the cause of the flame.

Work Cited

Denver7 – The Denver Channel. “Investigating a Wildfire’s Cause & Origin.” YouTube, 2013, Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "El Paso Wildfire Investigation." March 8, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/el-paso-wildfire-investigation/.


StudyCorgi. "El Paso Wildfire Investigation." March 8, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/el-paso-wildfire-investigation/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "El Paso Wildfire Investigation." March 8, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/el-paso-wildfire-investigation/.

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