Electromagnetics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) generates tomographic and three-dimensional pictures similar to X-ray computer tomography. Nonetheless, MRI depends on the interaction between radiofrequency fields and specific atomic fields in the body when they are in the presence of a magnetic field, as opposed to the use of ionizing radiation (Kosatsky et al. 181). One of the intricate systems that primarily rely on an understanding of electromagnetic in their creation is the MRI system.


MRI technology seems to be often employed for illness detection and therapy monitoring. It is based on cutting-edge technology that notices the protons’ axis of rotation in the water that makes up biological tissues. To determine how much water is present in different human tissues, map its distribution, and produce a precise picture, an MRI employs electromagnetics (“Magnetic Resonance Imaging”). These randomly spinning hydrogen protons align with the greater magnetic field of the MRI scanner like how a compass needle aligns with the Earth’s magnetic field.

This topic is not only interesting for research but also crucial for providing appropriate healthcare and detecting diseases. An MRI shows the brain and nerves considerably more vividly than traditional X-rays do, as well as the muscles, ligaments, and tendons (Kosatsky et al. 182). Neuroscientists and psychologists can both benefit significantly from MRI technology.


In conclusion, given that it has drawbacks and is uncomfortable for specific individuals, study on this subject is crucial and might result in future advances. For instance, undergoing an MRI scan might be challenging for adults with implants or children. In some cases, electromagnetism produces an uncomfortable noise. Therefore, different approaches to MRI and electromagnetism may result in better services.

Works Cited

“Magnetic Resonance Imaging.” National Institute of Health, Web.

Kosatsky, Tom, et al. Radiofrequency Toolkit for Environmental Health Practitioners. British Columbia Centre for Disease Control: Vancouver, BC, USA 2013.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, August 5). Electromagnetics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. https://studycorgi.com/electromagnetics-in-magnetic-resonance-imaging/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Electromagnetics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging." August 5, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/electromagnetics-in-magnetic-resonance-imaging/.


StudyCorgi. "Electromagnetics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging." August 5, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/electromagnetics-in-magnetic-resonance-imaging/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Electromagnetics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging." August 5, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/electromagnetics-in-magnetic-resonance-imaging/.

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