Eliot Spitzer and a Code of Ethics


After reading the articles, it was noted that the period between 2005 and 2008 was remarkable in the life of Eliot Spitzer. He rose to political power as a fierce enforcer of moral standards in public life. From the class readings (n.d.), Spitzer won the Governor’s seat in 2006 and created a vast electoral mandate to transform the corrupt administrative system of the New York State House.


Spitzer demonstrated relentless efforts by fighting against organized crime, illegal gun manufacturing, and air pollution. Furthermore, the readings reveal that he resigned as Governor on March 2008, following the allegation that he was involved in high-priced prostitution. This step marked him as the first Governor of New York to leave office due to political scandals. Spitzer’s administration faced failure, conflict, deceit, and judgments for the abuse of office.

Eliot Spitzer was committed to a code of ethics because he promised to bring reformations such as transparency and justice to the governor’s office. He alleged that creating stricter ethical standards would ensure fairness in business. Thus, Spitzer emphasized effective and objective regulations by the authorities had loosened their standards. Despite his efforts to uphold morality in business, ethics was flawed due to Spitzer’s involvement with harlots.

Eliot Spitzer would not have fallen from power if his involvement with prostitutes was concealed. The escort agency conducted an investigation that revealed his plan to meet a woman to the federal government.


To conclude, Spitzer was caught on a federal wiretap planning to spend time with a harlot at a hotel in Washington. It was noted from the class readings (n.d.) that this public disclosure forced him to reign as a governor on 17 March 2008. Spitzer’s behavior reveals that anyone viewed as an exemplar can fail.


Class Readings. (n. d.). Article 1 and 2 [Word].

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StudyCorgi. (2023) 'Eliot Spitzer and a Code of Ethics'. 27 August.

1. StudyCorgi. "Eliot Spitzer and a Code of Ethics." August 27, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/eliot-spitzer-and-a-code-of-ethics/.


StudyCorgi. "Eliot Spitzer and a Code of Ethics." August 27, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/eliot-spitzer-and-a-code-of-ethics/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Eliot Spitzer and a Code of Ethics." August 27, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/eliot-spitzer-and-a-code-of-ethics/.

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