Embracing the Power of a Liberal Arts Education

A college education that teaches general information and fosters intellectual development is often referred to as a liberal arts education in the twenty-first century. A degree in the liberal arts can equip a student for various careers in today’s economy. As Jamila Lyiscott said in the video, getting a top-notch education is crucial. Lyiscott says high education means speaking well while interacting with others. While having a top-notch education enables people to choose their short- and long-term life objectives, Everyone, not just college students, should create short- and long-term goals for their lives.

The specific academic program in Western higher education is called a liberal arts education (from the Latin broad interpretation of “free” and “art or principled practice”). The term “art” is used in liberal arts to refer to acquired talent rather than only the fine arts. Studies for a liberal arts degree course or a university education, in general, can both be referred to as liberal arts education. Such a program of study contrasts those primarily professional, technical, or vocational.

Pursuing degrees in the social sciences or liberal arts, such as history and literature, is typically considered less “prestigious” than degrees in science, technology, or engineering, particularly in Asia. Students majoring in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) have greater employment chances and start with higher salaries than those majoring in the arts. However, the long-term success of liberal arts graduates is not immediately apparent, according to Researcher Leonard K. Cheng, president of Hong Kong’s Lingnan University, the city’s only public liberal arts university. It is because they have overall knowledge and soft skills better suited to later stages of their careers, as he explains in the most recent talk interview with South China Morning Post teaching experts.

Spelman College offers the greatest liberal arts education since it is the top historically black college and institution (HBCU). Spelman College cannot compete with HBCUs or Predominantly White Institutions (PWI). Spelman College offers an excellent education, particularly in educating students about their history regardless of whether they want to know it. To even graduate, there are obligations like travel and community work because they are truly studying in, and it is incredible.

Ten years ago, she intended to attend a prestigious institution and study law. She considered attending predominantly white institutions. Still, she instantly changed her mind after viewing the television program “A Different World,” which was modeled after Spelman and Morehouse College. Because she had only visited all-black schools throughout middle and elementary school, she did not want to think about enrolling in one. But once in an intoxicated school, most of the students were White, and while learning to understand their past, they believed that white instructors could not instruct on the history of the culture.

Students should advance in the field they want to work in by enrolling at the esteemed Spelman College. They should also have short-term professional objectives to expand their political science knowledge, and Spelman College will enable them to achieve so. Regarding long-term objectives, Spelman College should provide learners with the knowledge, self-assurance, and background needed to advance even further in their professional objectives. Even though Spelman College does not offer a curriculum from before as a major, it will allow them to take a more practical approach to their studies. It will assist them to be equipped Spelman College to play a significant role in the legal sector.

Spelman College will enable her to realize her present goals and work towards her future goals as well as the ones she will set. Over time, my goals will continue to expand and improve. Spelman College will primarily assist me in achieving my goals by providing me with a top-notch education, fantastic lecturers, and a wealth of resources. The greatest location for her to further her education in college. Before the event, she researched Spelman College and found a lot of programs. Which are provided here. For example, she discovered the group, and it matches her needs

Not to add, she must maintain a Dean’s List status for the whole of her four years of college to achieve my short-term objectives. To have alternatives for where to begin my career after law school, she plans to intern for a few excellent legal firms throughout my undergraduate studies. In the long term, she wants to start her legal firm.


Hwang, Z. (2022). A study of understanding and application of metaverse in 21st Century liberal art Education. The Journal of Liberal Arts, 9(1), 155–170. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Embracing the Power of a Liberal Arts Education." November 15, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/embracing-the-power-of-a-liberal-arts-education/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Embracing the Power of a Liberal Arts Education." November 15, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/embracing-the-power-of-a-liberal-arts-education/.

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