Employee Performance Appraisals: Pros, Cons, and Alternative Evaluation Methods

Personal Experience with Performance Appraisals: Receiver and Rater Perspectives

Sometimes, employees feel judged unfairly, and managers often go through a performance appraisal process to meet job expectations. At the same time, the appraisal has its risks, which may worsen the overall efficiency. Employees and managers often wonder why organizations conduct performance appraisals. Anyone who has ever undergone a performance appraisal can argue why they consider it ineffective and a waste of time. However, the primary purpose of certification is not performance control (although it is also crucial) but the identification of reserves for increasing employee performance.

Performance appraisal is a personnel measure designed to assess the compliance of the individual’s level of work, qualities, and potential with the requirements of the activity performed (Muchinsky & Howes, 2019). My experience as a receiver was formulated by my performance in the organization, which was evaluated every three months. Thus, my performance indicators had to match those set by the organization, in which case an increase would have been expected. If my performance significantly exceeds the specified parameters, the increase occurs faster.

The Pros and Cons of Performance Appraisals: Is the Process Worthwhile?

In general, this process has more advantages than disadvantages. Primarily, it is because an adequate assessment of work significantly increases the employee’s motivation with positive outcomes (Adler et al., 2016). Indeed, when my performance was fairly assessed and the hard work was rewarded, I experienced a surge of motivation and a desire to improve my performance.

Moreover, the assessment helps to give the necessary signal to the employee if one’s performance does not correspond to the specified parameters. Maintaining high efficiency among workers and increasing motivation for those who deserve it is essential. Moreover, this assessment is not done for the evaluation itself. It is carried out to make the right personnel decision based on encouraging, punishing, relocating, or training employees.

Should Organizations Eliminate Performance Appraisals?

I cannot argue that all organizations should eliminate the performance appraisal process. It is because my experience as a receiver had more positive aspects than negative ones. Thus, I believe that this process only improves the performance of employees and does not worsen the situation in the company.

Moreover, as mentioned, performance appraisal helps identify employees whose activity does not meet the company’s requirements. In this case, harsh measures can be applied, up to and including dismissal, if the indicators are significantly lower than those declared by the organization. In other cases, an employee may be retrained if the manager has the potential and opportunity to correct the situation.

Exploring Viable Alternatives

One can highlight several options when discussing what can replace performance appraisals in organizations. Thus, an unscheduled check of employees in various ways can become a suitable alternative. In service delivery, the most effective way to check the activities of workers implies inviting a special client. This customer is a performance appraiser under the guise of an ordinary client, which allows one to demonstrate employees’ effectiveness.

The Value of Faculty Ratings: Are They Effective in Evaluating and Rewarding Faculty?

However, it is worth remembering that performance appraisals enhance the organization’s image. Carrying out personnel certification is a sign of a company’s developed personnel policy; this policy is typical for stable and reputable companies. Certification is in line with generally accepted international practice. Finally, student-faculty ratings are also adequate since they imply similar principles. Namely, it increases the motivation of students and the desire to improve their performance.


Adler, S., Campion, M., Colquitt, A., Amy, G., Murphy, K., & Krane, R. (2016). Getting rid of performance ratings: Genius or folly? A debate. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 9(2), 219–252.

Muchinsky, P.M., & Howes, S. S. (2022). Psychology applied to work. (13th ed.) Hypergraphic Press.

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StudyCorgi. (2025, February 10). Employee Performance Appraisals: Pros, Cons, and Alternative Evaluation Methods. https://studycorgi.com/employee-performance-appraisals-pros-cons-and-alternative-evaluation-methods/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Employee Performance Appraisals: Pros, Cons, and Alternative Evaluation Methods." February 10, 2025. https://studycorgi.com/employee-performance-appraisals-pros-cons-and-alternative-evaluation-methods/.


StudyCorgi. "Employee Performance Appraisals: Pros, Cons, and Alternative Evaluation Methods." February 10, 2025. https://studycorgi.com/employee-performance-appraisals-pros-cons-and-alternative-evaluation-methods/.


StudyCorgi. 2025. "Employee Performance Appraisals: Pros, Cons, and Alternative Evaluation Methods." February 10, 2025. https://studycorgi.com/employee-performance-appraisals-pros-cons-and-alternative-evaluation-methods/.

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