Empowerment Series: Reading Diary

The main topic and idea of the assigned reading was the importance of the ending phase in group sessions. Since participants realize that there is little time left before the end of the session, they can become more aware of the process, which increases their ability to pay attention to the materials introduced. The group leader can therefore use this opportunity to engage them and present the most important concepts of the program.

This idea is highly related to social work professions, as group leaders involved in social work can use the knowledge about various phases of the session to improve their programs and study plans. From my internship group, I have learned that it is extremely important to plan different stages of the session in order to ensure the most effective learning outcomes. Knowing this about the topic, I have managed to introduce new techniques and strategies into my work in group sessions. For example, I tried explaining and discussing the most difficult concepts form the materials at the ending phase. In my field placement, I am working in the elementary school with students who have misbehavior issues, anxiety, and other attention problems. Therefore, it was interesting for me to see if this strategy will have a positive or a negative effect on their ability to concentrate and learn new material.

I have discovered that the ending phase of the session is important and can be used to increase the group members’ attention and learning ability. I have also recognized the stages involved in this phase that were described in the chapter, such as denial, indirect or direct expression of anger, mourning, and the farewell-party syndrome (Shulman, 2016). In addition, I have learned more about the strategies that can be used to deal with the endings in group work. These include informing group members about the end of the session early and helping them evaluate their work together.


Shulman, L. (2016). Empowerment Series: The skills of helping individuals, families, groups, and communities, enhanced (8th ed.). Cengage Learning.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Empowerment Series: Reading Diary." August 18, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/empowerment-series-reading-diary/.


StudyCorgi. "Empowerment Series: Reading Diary." August 18, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/empowerment-series-reading-diary/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Empowerment Series: Reading Diary." August 18, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/empowerment-series-reading-diary/.

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