Use of Inclusivity Vocabulary
The Society of Human Resource Managers (SHRM) code of ethics does not use the inclusiveness vocabulary (2021). It has five sections, none of which are dedicated to inclusivity. This Code omits any mention of equality or the specifics of working with other nationalities (Code of Ethics, 2021). The code considers the principles of fairness, fairness, conflict of interest, and others, but none of them mention inclusiveness vocabulary.
Principles of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
The SHRM ethical code has a rule of the so-called gold standard, which resembles the equity principle. Its requirements are such that, within the framework of his official position, one should never allow such actions about subordinates, management, clients, and colleagues, which the employee would not want to see about himself. In addition, the SHRM ethical code has a clause that resembles the inclusion rule (Code of Ethics, 2021). This is justice in transferring funds, resources, rights, privileges, benefits, and powers (Code of Ethics, 2021).
The following position is the item resembling the main provisions of diversity in the SHRM ethical code. It is necessary to show managers a tolerant attitude toward the moral foundations of the management of other countries and regions (Code of Ethics, 2021). Thus, some of the points of the SHRM include principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion, but they are formulated rather vaguely.
Biases & Assumptions
The SHRM ethical code rather vaguely formulates the need for a special approach depending on a person’s background, positioning them only as a client but not as a person. This is a false assumption, as it depersonalizes the recipient of management services.
Missing Points & Possible Improvement
In my opinion, the first incomplete formulation is determining how well HR contributes to the organization by the degree to which it achieves its goals (Code of Ethics, 2021). HR’s responsibility is to ensure diversity and inclusivity in the workplace. Therefore, their activities should be evaluated by how successfully they provide it. This may contradict the company’s goal, but professional HR’s task is to create inclusivity and diversity of jobs.
Another incomplete point is the approach to deepening the grasp of how organizations work by expanding human resource management expertise (Code of Ethics, 2021). It is necessary to pay attention to each participant in the process as a person. Approaching each employee as a person with a specific ethnic background or representing a particular gender will allow you to establish diversity and inclusivity. This attitude will allow the manager to evaluate the potential strengths of each employee depending on personal characteristics.
In addition, I believe there is nothing specific about how leadership should be inclusive. However, it includes correcting the concept of justice presented in the SHRM ethical code. Fair treatment of people and groups is an attitude based on unique characteristics, not on stereotypes. It is necessary to include an item on the personalization of personality, consisting of understanding and evaluating the uniqueness of different people and their acceptance, to ensure equity. Furthermore, the use of thinking of diverse groups to generate ideas and make decisions, which will take diversity into account, should be added to the SHRM ethical code.
Code of ethics (2021). SHRM. Web.