Environment-Oriented Approach in Consumer Decisions

Air pollution, global warming, deforestation, and other environmental issues have become major in modern life due to the rising negative effects of humans’ influence on nature. According to the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF), 16 of the 17 warmest years due to the record happened to be from 2001 to 2016, the latter being the warmest (WWF, 2021). Several decades ago, people did not pay much attention to the outcomes of continuous technological progress and human egocentric activity. Fortunately, the modern tendency to care about nature and future generations’ well-being led the population from self-orientation to nature protection and long-term perspective thinking.

The environmental-friendly approach has had an impact on modern customer decision-making. Advertisements, banners, education, modern tendencies talk about planet-saving and reducing the usage of plastic, garbage sorting, and inserting easily recycled products in everyday life. More individuals lately prefer to buy containers than plastic bags. According to Rhodes (2018), in 2015, 407 million tonnes of plastic was produced, 164 million of which were used for packages. A current tendency to buy products that are recycled easier and bring no harm to the environment is becoming more popular. Hotels also follow an environmental-friendly approach by inserting in the service eco products and using organic materials despite the fact if it is noticeable by the customer or not (Gil-Soto et al., 2019). When sorting the garbage, people wash the bottles and divide plastic and paper between each other. Girls, when buying cosmetic, care if it was tested on animals or not.

The bags humans more often use now to carry things in are made from natural materials. They can be washed and serve a longer period comparing to plastic bags. I also take a cotton bag, a shopper, with me everywhere I go. Despite being a trend, it is convenient and smart to use a bag whilst going to the product store or meeting friends. I buy containers and use them for meals I have an outside home. Plastic bags have worse impermeability; they tear easily, and to use them for food, you must take two or more of them for better coverage. Containers are also plastic but can be used multiple times and have a decent locking system.


Gil-Soto, E., Armas-Cruz, Y., Morini-Marrero, S., & Ramos-Henríquez, J. M. (2019). Hotel guests’ perceptions of environmental friendly practices in social media. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 78, 59–67.

Rhodes, C. J. (2018). Plastic pollution and potential solutions. Science Progress, 101(3), 207-260.

WWF. What are climate change and global warming? (n.d.).

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StudyCorgi. "Environment-Oriented Approach in Consumer Decisions." January 25, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/environment-oriented-approach-in-consumer-decisions/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Environment-Oriented Approach in Consumer Decisions." January 25, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/environment-oriented-approach-in-consumer-decisions/.

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