Establishing a Proper Dialogue Between Various Cultures Due to Chinua Achebe

Cultural Clash

People have been creating sophisticated cultures for millennia for many reasons, including the desire to secure themselves by understanding other people’s intentions and actions. Nevertheless, the abundance of societies and cultures, despite being a blessing in many ways, hinders the opportunity to create a universal system that could set norms of behavior for the whole of humanity. The novel by Chinua Achebe provides one of the numerous examples of a cultural clash, which occurs when people with one background do not realize the reasoning behind the actions of people belonging to another culture. Understanding the importance of establishing a proper dialogue between various cultures is instrumental in maintaining peace and prosperity.

A respectful attitude towards the norms and beliefs that serve as the cornerstone of any culture is the key way to solve the crises that take place when two completely different cultures have to interact. The novel by Chinua Achebe helps understand that in most cases, it is a person’s choice not to understand another culture and to reject the norms and beliefs of other societies in all their forms. The novel, in general, centers around a misunderstanding, which is in many cases caused by arrogance.

Okonkwo’s inability to show any kind of compassion and a lack of what is now called “soft-skills” led to his failure in many spheres of life. As a result, his reputation is tainted, although it is exactly what he feared and avoided all his life. Obierika, Okonkwo’s best friend, manages to act reasonably during all those turbulent years, as his ability to raise concerns about some aspects of his culture and his openness to the world proved to be beneficial. “The world has no end, and what is good among one people is an abomination with others” (Achebe 1996, 99). The ability to realize this allows for the enhancement of any society and better relationships with neighbors (on both micro and macro levels).

Chinua Achebe was one of the first to present a bright illustration for the most common reasons underlying a cultural clash. The prominent African writer sought to emphasize the possibility of a less violent and arrogant approach to other societies, which increases the chances not only of survival but of progress and even greatness as well. African cultures have been transformed a lot by the interaction with Europeans, and Chinua Achebe managed to show that there have always been various ways to undergo such changes.


Achebe, Chinua. 1996. Things Fall Apart. Portsmouth, Heinemann.

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StudyCorgi. "Establishing a Proper Dialogue Between Various Cultures Due to Chinua Achebe." March 7, 2022.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Establishing a Proper Dialogue Between Various Cultures Due to Chinua Achebe." March 7, 2022.

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