Ethical Use of Power, Influence, and Politics to Get a Promotion

In the competitive job market, most view politics, influence, and power from a negative perspective. However, we have to learn how to apply the concepts ethically in our workplaces to achieve our goals. Power to facilitate promotion can be acquired by ensuring outstanding productivity. In essence, one must ensure that individual work qualities make them rare, essential, and without a replacement. Personal power increases the willingness of the management to maintain your services; hence they may place you in a higher job position where there are good rewards.

On the other hand, influence can attract promotion if one uses rational and inspirational tactics. Rational tactics use facts such as personal achievements and traits to persuade the management that you are the best fit for the job. In comparison, inspirational appeals involve explaining values and aspirations to the administrators to back your promotion request. Influence from inspiration technique enables the executives to evaluate you as a better candidate than the other employees.

Fundamentally, politics is a factor that one should consider even after showing distinct working qualities. Assessing the organization’s dynamics to understand the business structure helps identify the people who can be instrumental in your job advancement. Subsequently, one should develop a strategic network based on the evaluation and build a relationship with colleagues with reward power. The connection formed creates an opportunity to consider you while making promotion recommendations (Hermawan et al., 2021). Hence, the association with politics can provide people who will cater to your interests.

Power, influence and politics can be very efficient in facilitating ethical job promotion. Power ensures one provides high-quality services which other employees do not match, whereas influence persuades the employer that an individual has the best qualities for a particular role. Involvement in organizational politics by developing a relationship with people possessing reward power increases the chances of getting the desired job. Collaborating the effect of the three aspects can increase the chances of getting a promotion in an organization. In conclusion, the use of ethical practices in workplaces provides fair opportunities to all employees.


Hermawan, R., Habibie, M. T., Sutrisno, D., Putra, A. S., & Aisyah, N. (2021). Decision support system for the best employee selection recommendation using Ahp (Analytic Hierarchy Process) method. International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences, 2(5), 1218-1226. Web.

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