“Everyday Bible Study” by Cartwright, John Review

While reading Everyday Bible Study, I have captured many interesting and valuable ideas. Some of the ideas fit my perception and perspective on the Bible, others I have never thought about before. Nevertheless, despite the different extent of the degree to which I agreed or disagreed with some ideas and utterances, the book has raised more exciting questions in my mind and gave me new insight into the Bible, its history, and its meaning.

Several noteworthy ideas from the Everyday Bible Study fit with my thinking. The first idea is that the Bible is not simply a collection of stories and tales; instead, it “presents to us what we need to know about God and ourselves” (Cartwright 6). I think it is important to remember that the Bible does not only convey some morals through the narratives, but it helps the reader to find the connection with God through understanding themselves. The second idea that fits with my perspective is connected to the main subject in the Bible. According to the book, the plan of God is considered the main subject of the book. Specifically, his plan to “rescue, redeem, and restore his world” (Cartwright 7). I agree with this idea because I see the main idea that the Bible is trying to deliver as the notion that God seeks to rescue humankind from sins. The Bible itself teaches the readers that human problems arise from rebellion. Sins are represented as the root of struggles and a curse.

The third idea that I agree with is that “The main subject of the Bible is not communicated through a list of commands” (Cartwright 7). I find this perspective on the Bible and religion very useful. I think that it is essential to understand that the Bible’s commands help people coexist with each other and God in the sense of peace and mutual understanding. Finally, the book mentions that “Sin is inside of us” (Cartwright 10). I find this utterance true because humans are not perfect, and sin might be a part of one’s nature. Thus, instead of rejecting the fact that sin comes from inner factors, I see it more useful to admit that sin does not appear from the outside circumstances. Such a mindset helps me to control my mind and intentions.

Nevertheless, the book also mentioned several points I had never considered before. One of them is claiming that “The stories of Scripture are all true” (Cartwright 6). The book compared the difference between the story nature of the Bible and that of the movie or other stories. The next idea that I have not thought about before is that “God desires to dwell with his people” (Cartwright 9). The book says that it could be seen in many stories from the Bible. The third new idea for me is the connection between God’s redemption and the Israelites’ redemption from Egypt.

Along with the new angles that I have opened for myself from reading the book, I have acquired new questions. For example, if God created humans and created people “according to his likeness” (Cartwright 9), why do humans have the propensity to sin? Secondly, if all the stories told in the Bible are true, why is it still controversial and causes many debates? Finally, one of the ideas that I like from reading the book is that people should not consider rebellion as something large. The book provides an example based on the act of the rebellion of Adam and Eve. The small action caused adverse consequences. I believe that it is important not to wait for the outside world to be sinless but start with yourself and control the smallest decisions we make.

Work Cited

Cartwright, John et al. Everyday Bible Study. Lifeway Church Resources, 2016.

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1. StudyCorgi. "“Everyday Bible Study” by Cartwright, John Review." March 29, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/everyday-bible-study-by-cartwright-john-review/.


StudyCorgi. "“Everyday Bible Study” by Cartwright, John Review." March 29, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/everyday-bible-study-by-cartwright-john-review/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "“Everyday Bible Study” by Cartwright, John Review." March 29, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/everyday-bible-study-by-cartwright-john-review/.

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