Future of Nursing: Changes, Roles, and Health Reform Impact

The above anticipated changes in nursing were presented to several colleagues in my department. Most of the listeners were glad to understand some of the major changes that will be experienced in the future by nurses. The nurses also acknowledged the fact that nursing was a changing field that continued to deliver adequate support to more patients (Moen & Knudsen, 2013). The nurses were also encouraged to share their impressions regarding the issue of health reform.

To begin with, the respondents believed strongly that the new changes expected in nursing would present new roles for nurses in hospital settings, clinics, medical homes, and communities (Iglehart, 2014). The respondents argued that the current concept of nurse education (NE) was empowering more practitioners thus making it easier for them to offer adequate care to their clients. The three respondents indicated clearly that nurses were becoming more independent, focused, and empowered (Abrams, Nuzum, Mika, & Lawlor, 2011). This was the case because modern technologies and health informatics were making it easier for nurses to support the changing health needs of their clients.

The respondents also identified the concept of cultural competence (Moen & Knudsen, 2013). They indicated that modern approaches to nursing were promoting the concept of culturally-competence care. The concept has the ability to support the health needs of diverse populations (Abrams et al., 2011). One of the three nurses argued that healthcare settings and communities were becoming diverse than ever before.

Patients come from diverse backgrounds thus encouraging nurses to be aware of their religious, racial, and cultural attributes (Wilson, Whitaker, & Whitford, 2012). The future nurse will therefore be required “to listen and share the views of clients from all walks of life” (Wilson et al., 2012, p. 11). This approach will support more people from diverse backgrounds and improve the health outcomes of many communities.

The other interesting feedback from the three respondents was that nursing was no longer aimed at delivering quality care only (Moen & Knudsen, 2013). The individuals indicated that the future of nursing would create new roles whereby NPs focused on the health needs of diverse populations. As well, nurses will continue to offer appropriate support to individuals with terminal diseases. The continued use of interdisciplinary teams will ensure more patients get quality health support. The use of health informatics and technologies will make it possible for more nurses to offer quality care to their patients.

The issue of health costs continues to affect many countries including the United States. The American government has been focusing on new measures to reduce the expenses associated with chronic diseases. The respondents added that more nurses will be required to offer home-based support and monitoring programs (Moen & Knudsen, 2013).

Such nurses will be able to address the needs of more patients and reduces chances of hospitalized. Patients discharged from hospitals will have lower chances of being re-hospitalized (Abrams et al., 2011). The availability of new resources and technological changes will make it easier for these caregivers to support more persons with terminal diseases.

As well, the responses presented by the three nurse colleagues were consistent with what I had researched regarding the issue of health reform. The issue of health reform is critical towards dealing with the major challenges affecting every community. After conducting the study, I observed that more people were facing a wide range of health problems such as obesity and diabetes. Such chronic diseases were making it impossible for many people to realize their potentials (Spetz, 2014). As well, the country’s population has been aging very fast. These elderly persons require appropriate support and care. The issue of medical costs continues to affect many state governments across the United States.

Experts and theorists believe strongly that there is need for “nurse practitioners to practice to the full extent of their competencies” (Spetz, 2014, p. 43). The respondents argued that it was necessary for the government to come up with new policies that can support these changing nursing roles. The restrictions associated with nursing should be reconsidered in an attempt to improve the health services availed to many people across the country. The respondents explained why nurses should be treated as equal players and partners whose timeless contributions can make a huge difference in health service delivery (Moen & Knudsen, 2013).

The respondents indicated clearly that health reform was a meaningful approach towards addressing the major health challenges affecting many people in the country. Such reforms should therefore focus on the most appropriate measures towards empowering more nurses. The anticipated changes and advancements in nursing explain why caregivers should be equipped with new competencies (Spetz, 2014). New policies will empower more NPs and revolutionize the quality of care availed to every American citizen. Health reform should therefore be guided by the anticipated changes in nursing.

Reference List

Abrams, M., Nuzum, R., Mika, S., & Lawlor, G. (2011). Realizing Health Reform’s Potential How the Affordable Care Act Will Strengthen Primary Care and Benefit Patients, Providers, and Payers. The Commonwealth Fund, 1(1), 1-27.

Iglehart, J. (2014). Meeting the Demand for Primary Care: Nurse Practitioners Answer the Call. Expert Voices, 1(1), 1-2.

Moen, A., & Knudsen, L. (2013). Nursing Informatics: Decades of Contribution to Health Informatics. Healthcare Informatics Research, 19(2), 86-92.

Spetz, J. (2014). How Will Health Reform Affect Demand for RNs. Nursing Economics, 32(1), 42-44.

Wilson, A., Whitaker, N., & Whitford, D. (2012). Rising to the Challenge of Health Care Reform with Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Nursing Initiatives. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 17(1), 1-21.

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StudyCorgi. "Future of Nursing: Changes, Roles, and Health Reform Impact." November 3, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/evolving-practice-of-nursing-and-patient-care-essay/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Future of Nursing: Changes, Roles, and Health Reform Impact." November 3, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/evolving-practice-of-nursing-and-patient-care-essay/.

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