Future of Nursing Report: Health Professions

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine led to the report “The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity” by collaborating to advise states on science and technology. The three fields work together to give objective, independent exploration and recommendations to the country and perform other projects to resolve difficult challenges and suggest informed decisions on public policy. This paper discusses the impact “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” and state-centered action coalitions have on the nursing profession. In addition, it discusses the effects of this concept in formal training and learning in nursing, the advancement of nurses, and how the nursing workforce may advance their career goals.

The bodies encourage research and education, acknowledge major contributions to understanding and knowledge and expand public knowledge in engineering, the medical field, and science. The units assert that unequal access to the environment required for better healthcare across the U.S. has been well-recorded as having negative impacts on health that result (Wakefield et al., 2021). Top engineers, scientists, and healthcare experts are enlisted to obtain objective, authoritative, and scientifically balanced solutions to challenging questions of national importance. They make reports that influence decisions and are thus instrumental in enabling new research programs to address issues facing the nursing sector.

Trends Occurring in the Nursing Workforce and How Nursing Education Adapts to Meet the Evolving Needs of the Profession

There has been a significant shortage of nurses in the United States recently. According to the nursing workforce in the New York more than fifty percent of nurses are anticipated to quit their occupation at a moment when the health requirements change with the elderly population of the baby boomers. Since many nurses are expected to retire and others to leave the profession prematurely, several recommendations should be implemented to prepare the nursing workforce for their role. Adopting a nurse residency program is one of the better ways to decrease burnout rates and potential early exit from the occupation (Walsh, 2018). The schemes focus on lowering burnout, integrating research into the nursing profession, and are meant to offer support to newly employed nurses as they move to their professional life.

The nursing practice should make the necessary changes to meet future demands. Therefore, nurses should continue their education potential beyond a bachelor of science in nursing and function effectively based on their education levels (Coster, Watkins & Norman, 2018). Furthermore, adjusting the nursing scope and legislation regarding their profession in these nations will grow the number of healthcare professionals willing to provide care for the increasing patient demands. In addition, the boards of nursing must alter their scope of procedures, actions, and processes to enable the caregivers to practice based on their education levels.

Historically, the nursing workforce has played an integral part in advocating for patients and carrying out orders from doctors. The nurses must work collaboratively with doctors and other healthcare providers in redesigning primary care in America (AlMekkawi & El Khalil, 2020). With healthcare’s growing requirements and complexity, the nursing workforce must work in full partnership with multidisciplinary teams to develop programs and policies to offer safe and healthier health in this increasingly demanding healthcare environment. To meet the ever-changing demands of the nursing profession, most learning institutions offer tailored course schedules, giving learners a chance to complete their courses quickly. In addition, in a bid to offer accessibility to nursing education to many individuals, these institutions are implementing online and distance learning programs. Nurses should assume leadership roles in transitioning from traditional forms of learning to digital ones (Williams & Li, 2019). They should also engage in research and development and participate in creating policies. Due to their unique perspective on the board and the vast information they have, they are in a powerful position to advocate for change.

Role of State-based Action Coalitions

State-based action coalitions are created in diverse healthcare associations, institutions, organizations, clients, and leaders functioning at the state levels. There is a need for a joint effort to detect the best practice, identify the required activities, determine research perspectives, and outline models that may be duplicated across healthcare facilities in the state. The coalition members have an important role in increasing awareness at all levels and stimulating professionals to search for creative solutions to the nursing shortage and limited possibilities for advancement in the educational profession. The ultimate goal of creating coalitions is to build communities that will become healthier through efficient nursing endeavors (Sullivan, 2018).

Moreover, through enhanced nursing and the empowerment of specialists, all people shall have access to high-quality primary care. The coalitions support health professionals and collaborate with different shareholders in their management positions. Their key role is to track the results uninterruptedly to ensure a greater level of transparency and accountability is realized. The roles mentioned above of the alliances assist in advancing the objectives identified in the National Academy of Sciences report.

State’s Action Coalition

One of the initiatives on which my state’s action coalition is working in the New York action coalition, formed in 2010 to provide leadership in advancing nursing careers. It is the driving force for the execution of the recommendations made by the institute of medicine in New York (Center for Nursing, 2022). The coalition collaborates with several stakeholders to form and model innovative strategies that result in a healthy community, with the nursing workforce at the forefront.

One of the initiatives spearheaded by the coalition aims to eliminate the barriers related to scope-of-practice so that registered nurses can work to their full potential based on their training. Based on this information, clinicians are trained to offer patient-based and quality care and be efficient in various settings. Another initiative is increasing the learners’ diversity to establish a staff ready to address the requirements of different people throughout their lives in this state (Campaign for Action, n.d.). The coalition has achieved this by encouraging the involvement of individuals from outside the nursing occupation, such as business leaders who are instrumental in funding piloting programs towards realizing these reforms.

Barriers to Advancement

Various barriers hinder the effective achievement of the set objectives of the coalition. Specifically, New York’s action coalition has needed more support to collaborate with the shareholders. Another challenge is the shortage of funds for individuals aspiring to pursue nursing at higher educational attainment (Campaign for Action, n.d.). To address this problem, the coalition must emphasize equal participation in achieving the collective goal. Additionally, nursing advocates should appeal to other agencies and organizations for aid and volunteer participation. Lastly, nursing training institutions must collaborate with public and private partners to offer learners affordable educational grants and loans.

In conclusion, increasing training and level of education while allowing the nursing workforce to function at their training and educational capacity will aid health care in a period when primary care and American lives are at risk. The nursing workforce plays a pivotal position as leaders in making the proposed recommendations and changes a reality. State-centered coalitions are crucial agents that ensure the guidelines are met in New York.


AlMekkawi, M., & El Khalil, R. (2020). New graduate nurses’ readiness to practise: A narrative literature review. Health Professions Education, 6(3), 304-316. Web.

Campaign for Action. (n.d.). New York Action Coalition. Web.

Center for Nursing. (2022). New York State Action Coalition. Web.

Coster, S., Watkins, M., & Norman, I. J. (2018). What is the impact of professional nursing on patients’ outcomes globally? An overview of research evidence. International journal of nursing studies, 78, 76-83. Web.

Sullivan, T. (2018). Institute of medicine report – the future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health. Policy & Medicine. Web.

Wakefield, M., Williams, D. R., & Le Menestrel, S. (2021). The future of nursing 2020-2030: Charting a path to achieve health equity. National Academy of Sciences.

Walsh, A. L. (2018). Nurse residency programs and the benefits for new graduate nurses. Pediatric Nursing, 44(6), 275. Web.

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